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Getting Started With Arduino: The Open Source Electronics Prototyping Platform (Make)

Arduino is the open source electronics prototyping platform that has taken the Maker Movement by storm. This thorough introduction, updated for the latest Arduino release, helps you start prototyping right away. From obtaining the required components to putting the final touches on your project, all the information you need is here!Getting started with Arduino is a snap. To use the introductory examples in this guide, all you need is an Arduino Uno or Leonardo, along with a USB cable and an LED. The easy-to-use, free Arduino development environment runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux.In Getting Started with Arduino, you'll learn about:Interaction design and physical computingThe Arduino board and its software environmentBasics of electricity and electronicsPrototyping on a solderless breadboardDrawing a schematic diagramTalking to a computer--and the cloud--from ArduinoBuilding a custom plant-watering system

File Size: 31149 KB

Print Length: 264 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1449363334

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Maker Media, Inc; 3 edition (December 10, 2014)

Publication Date: December 10, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #170,977 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #24 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Electronics > Sensors #35 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Mechanical > Robotics #52 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Computer Technology > Robotics & Automation

The Arduino website has good getting started information, but the best guide for beginners is Getting Started with Arduino, co-written by Massimo Banzi, the co-founder and beloved face of Arduino. The publisher (Maker Media) just released the third edition of the book, which will help get even the greenest newbie up and running. This is the book I read to learn Arduino and the one I always recommend to anyone who asks me how to get started. It starts by explaining what the Arduino is and how it works, then presents projects of increasing complexity that teach you the capabilities of the Arduino. It has a chapter on how to connect an Arduino to the Internet and make a lamp that responds to to occurrence of certain keywords it finds on websites. The final project is a system that detects the moisture level in your houseplants plants and automatically waters them.

Very good introductory book for Arduino 'hacking'. When i say hacking it is because the book is aimed at people without any background in either programming or electronics - the book spends much time explaining the simplest details of the code while not saying a word about many of the electronics components that go in a project.Resistors, transistors and other components are completely ignored - the authors only mention where to buy them and where to put them in the board. I expected less holding hands in the programming part and more explanations for the electronics.Overall a good book which will get you making stuff - it's just that you won't understand very well what you're doing or have the knowledge to create your own project after that.

i can't explain how this book was writen by one of the arduino founders and technical professor i was reading some pages and really book says nothing that can guide a beginner i was expecting more i have some experience and really help me on nothing just to loose my time

I highly recommend this book if you have gotten an Arduino UNO and are just getting started in electronics. The book is thorough and well organized. It's the perfect companion book for the ARduino UNO. If you or your kid has already mastered SNap Circuits but Lego EVO is too expensive, I would recommend this and the UNO. You would want to start off with a USB cable, the getting started section for the UNO at arduino dot cc and get some LEDs to play with, too. ANYONE can understand this! Basic knowledge of what is a circuit is probably helpful, but that's it.

A great book for the beginner. Well written, easy to understand.I purchased this from my kindle app. I am ordering this book and the 2nd book soon.So I can hold then in my hands.I ordered the kindle version so I could read it almost instantly,which is great for some books.Some reason a book just reads better if it is a real book. Different strokes for different folks they say.Any thanks for a great book in either format !!

Good read. I found the book is rather thin on getting further into my own projects, but it does introduce how to get started and provides example code to run and demonstrate some basic capabilities of the hardware. I bought the paperback, and feel that I may have wasted some money over buying on Kindle.The book itself is a short read, and took me only a couple days to go through the first time. It completely lacks any information on driving servos, which my current project requires.

I wanted to know what on earth Arduino was all about. I think this book is a good primer. It gives a little electronic info, a little programming info and how to pull it all together on the Arduino board. I haven't actually tried anything yet but will soon. I'll follow some of the book examples to get my feet wet.

The book starts off great. It introduces what the Arduino Uno is, the absolute basics of how it works, and provides 3-4 great starter projects that teach you how to make some LED's blink with push-button switches and Light sensors; and provides links on where to buy those.At around 30% in, the difficulty level suddenly jumps from fun and easy to some mind-bogglingly difficult code, hardware, and setups with very little explanation on what we are doing. It goes from the Arduino Uno (meant for beginners and pros alike) to the Leonardo (a more complicated board) without any warning, forcing you to shed another $100+ for buying the Leonardo if you don't already have it, and then proceeds onto projects with very little help or explanation on what parts are being used, how they were put together or where to get them.Overall, I am disappointed as I really wanted to keep going and learning more about what is possible with the Uno. I recommend one goes to learn the basics of programming code like javascript or C before buying this book. I had the luck of knowing some before I started, but there is a good chance any 'kid' without such knowledge would feel overwhelmed by the amount of code that is required to make the Uno do some work.The required 'code' to enter in the Arduino IDE (the program used to tell the Arduino what to do) is provided, but the explanation on how it works

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