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Keys To The Deeper Life

Table of Contents:No Revival without ReforrmationThe Deeper Life: What Is It?Gifts of the Spirit: Are They for Us Today?How To Be Filled with the Spirit

File Size: 146 KB

Print Length: 56 pages

Publisher: Chariot eBooks (June 14, 2014)

Publication Date: June 14, 2014

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #22,534 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #12 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Spirituality > Devotionals #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 90 minutes (44-64 pages) > Religion & Spirituality #19 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Devotionals

A.W Tozer has always written in a rare style. I have read his Pursuit of Man & Pursuit of God; both were enlightening materials. Keys To The Deeper Life, however, is the sounding of the voice of a prophet. It is indeed an apocalypse of spiritual truths. A.W Tozer looked deeply into the problem facing the church and delivered an oratory on the root-cause. He exposed many blemishes the Church institution of the day would rather not discuss. This book is reminiscent of the Lord's "Sermon on the Mount" - in tone, very direct; and in purpose, transparently corrective. A.W Tozer challenged the action and motivation of evangelicals. In every paragraph, A.W Tozer served a bi-nutritional diet of flame and water. With his characteristic earnestness he exposed the hypocrisy of contemporary Christianity with an unspoken plea for reform, yet understanding that "reform" is not a natural tendency of established religion, he showed the futility of going about Church as it then (and currently) exists.If the book reads like the Bible, it is because the writer was merely expressing the spirit of the bible writers in a modern tongue. He saw something the average Christian is incapable of discerning; something effectively tearing down the fabric of the church, yet deceptive enough to be imperceptible. He then went about diagnosing, and prescribing remedies with the style and language of the true luminary that he has proven to be.Keys to the Deeper Life does not come across as the average Sunday afternoon read. The very title of the book suggests it is tailored to the taste of keen bibliophiles, or folks who desperately seek for deep spiritual truths, and are patient enough to surf through deliberately enhanced prose in order to embrace a revelation.

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