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A Girl's Guide To Fitting In Fitness

Whether you’re the MVP of your basketball team, an occasional jogger, or a self-acknowledged couch potato, The Girl’s Guide to Fitting in Fitness has practical advice that you can really use. The book is organized just like a typical teenager’s school week, and shows how easy it is to wake up earlier and sharper (using yoga and relaxation techniques), eat healthier foods, and use the little in-between moments of your day—like the commute to school, or the time between classes—to incorporate a little bit of physical activity that will make a big difference. Additionally, the book includes:Sample workouts for the morning, the school day, and the summer and weekendsSidebars packed with special advice, information, and tips for healthier livingQuotes from other teens about how they fit fitness inIllustrations for all of the workouts and adviceIn this fun and practical guide, the writing duo behind offers a real-world teen guide that’s sure to help even the most devoted TV-addict lead a fitter, healthier, and happier life—without the need for a gym or fancy exercise equipment.

File Size: 4225 KB

Print Length: 128 pages

Publisher: Zest Books (March 26, 2013)

Publication Date: March 26, 2013

Sold by: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #1,083,144 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #29 in Books > Teens > Personal Health > Fitness & Exercise #39 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Fitness #45 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Exercise & Fitness > For Children

Overall it was pretty good but wasn’t what I expected. It said it would make exercise fun, but there was hardly anything that looked fun. I did like the part about dancing. The yoga poses and weight lifting were cool too. It said it wasn’t hard to get up early if you choose an exercise you enjoy. The ones they suggested were things like push ups and lunges. Those aren’t going to motivate me to get up. It had useful information about setting and keeping goals. The writing was easy to read and conversational. The purpose was to explain the benefits and reasons to exercise and share practical ways to begin being more healthy. The authors achieved their purpose. The part about setting and reaching goals was great. It was a motivational and practical book. It is good for beginners just getting started or for people who are already pretty fit looking for a challenge. It’s best for high school girls.Student Reviewer: AvolzerAge at time of review - 12

I really have to admire the authors of this book. With all the concern over eating disorders in teen girls, it strikes me as a difficult task to write a good book for teenagers that encourages them to be healthy without reinforcing the "you must be skinny!" mantra. This book does a nice job of it though. It suggests practical ways to stay healthy that don't ask the reader to give up every food she loves, all the time, or to dedicate every waking hour to exercise. Instead it suggests ways to make more realistic changes for a healthier diet, and to fit in exercising with her life and make it enjoyable. I would definitely recommend this to teen girls who want a good guide to exercise and fitness that doesn't ask them to work their entire lives around a workout schedule. The layout of the book is also very attractive. While the book is geared to those in high school, it would work equally well for college students. It's a great choice for YA nonfiction collections.

I requested this book for my teenage daughter and we both found it to be interesting. My daughter also said it was helpful and like the chapter about eating well the best. I really liked that it provided tips and examples to help a girl who is just learning to make healthy choices (food choices, exercise suggestions), simple and easy to understand.It is really important to me that the focus is on healthy not being skinny and this book provides that. My one complaint was a small section on page 12 where there is a reference to loving the number on the scale. As much as this book emphasizes the scale nor skinny being important I think it would have been better if this part was not included.That small part did not detract form what is overall a great book though.

Good read. Good info. It's a proficient introduction to fitness geared towards preadolescent and adolescent females. Liked the inclusion of websites exercise details and the breakdown of nutrition. Refreshing in its simplicity. Encouraged my niece to read.

Well-written and easy-to-read. This book is accessible and, I think, would appeal to the teen and 20something audience. It's broken out into nice, simple chapters that bring you the information that you need without a bunch of extra information. Overall, I liked it.

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