Series: What's Happening to My Body?
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks; 1 edition (February 13, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1557047812
ISBN-13: 978-1557047816
Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.3 x 7 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (30 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #78,862 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #8 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Men's Health > Sexual Health & Impotence #22 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Maturing #81 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Parenting > Parenting Boys
Age Range: 8 - 10 years
Grade Level: 3 - 4
On Your Mark, Get Set, Grow!: A "What's Happening to My Body?" Book for Younger Boys (What's Happening to My Body?)I purchased this for my godson. He is starting to wonder what will happen to his body next and his mother was concerned because he was trying to look it up on the internet. She is a single parent since his father passed away and she didn't know how to help him learn about his own body. She is very pleased with this book because it provided plenty of information without being too graphic like the books meant for older boys. They have many healthy discussions based around what he has read and they read together also. He is turning 10 this month and is well on his way to understanding his "stage" of development and what is to come.
I bought this for my 10 year old son but as a mother who had only sisters I read it, too. This book was very readable, good pictures with just the right amount of information for a pre-teen. My son read the whole book in one sitting. The timing was right for him. He then asked a few questions and it provoked some thoughtful discussion. I would highly recommend this book.
I kept this book and gave it to my 9 year old boy only after I cut out certain pages and took a sharpie to parts I felt inappropriate. The writing seems to be disrespectful toward our bodies. My kid doesn't have to know all the slang (cum, dick, etc.) from a book meant to educate. He doesn't need to know the proper way to measure his penis, and, as far as masturbation goes, I don't want him to pick up any new hobbies just yet. Since this book is meant for 'younger boys,' just the facts, please.
I loved the concept behind this book. Prior to my purchase on , I looked at the index and this book seemed to cover all of the topics I was hoping to cover. So I purchased it. The illustrations in the book were great. The quotes from previous students did not add to the usefulness of the topics in the book. I agree with one fo the other reviews, the slang terms used in the book were a bit much. THe book went in to great details on covering many slang words for the body parts and what happens during puberty. I don't consider myself uptight but I don't plan to discuss puberty with my son and automatically teach him every slang word that is out there. I know he will hear them in time but he needs to get a solid foundation of what is going on before we make light of it. Thankfully I purchased another book at the same time that I like a lot more than this one. I have no intention of sharing this book with my ten year old son anytime soon.
I bought this book for my 10 year-old and will not be giving it to him.The book was certainly informative. The cartoons were a nice touch. The majority of quotes from boys about their experiences and feelings during puberty were largely ones that discussed fear and negative impressions. By the end of the book, they somewhat belabored the point which I think could influence a kid who doesn't worry to think he maybe should.The use of slang is my main problem with this book. If the target audience includes 8 year-olds, why are words used other than medical terms? Some words were quite hardcore especially pertaining to erections and ejaculations. How does that contribute to a quality educational and emotional read of the book? Is this an attempt to be inclusive to kids who don't know the right words? They aren't buying this book for themselves, trust me. Usually it's a parent or other adult role-model buying this book on behalf of the child. Why would an adult buy into that and want kids using casual slang or vulgarity to describe their body parts?
This book was suggested to me by my Pastors Wife to use with my boys. After years of use, I jumped back online to give a review since I am so pleased with the results. If you as a parent are looking for something 'appropriate' yet, truthful and educational, AND fun, then this is a great book to begin conversations with and go over some basics. I think the best part of this whole process is that going through the little things, helps open doors for more difficult and complex subjects later. I added my own personal thoughts to our conversations when I felt it when the book talked about hard on's and why boys get them. The most important thing boys can get from this book is that it's ok to experience change and that it's actually OK to have open discussions about sex and pubic hairs and such. For those interested, I broke this book into three parts, 3 chapters at a time, letting the boys read one section at a time, 3 chapters, knowing then we would go on a Mother/Son date, have a short discussion about the book content, review the chapters he's read (discussed in the car, or while walking or doing something privately where face to face eye contact doesn't HAVE to occur. Then after the summary of the book, we would go do something fun together on our date, like go check out a local book store, buy a coffee or hot cocoa and talk, go see a funny movie, go have lunch, etc. Whatever the child wanted to do, within reason and my budget at the time. Then, we would repeat chapters 4,5,6 date, then 7,8,9 then finish with a last date. What I have found in both sons (which are pretty much polar opposite kids) is that it has kept communication lines open for such topics as early stages of dating, and talking about future hopes for dating more and even marriage. Good stuff and it all started with this simple, educational and straight forward book about changes in the boys bodies. Happy Dating!
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