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Life After The Death Of My Son: What I'm Learning

On the morning of February 6, 1991, Dennis Apple discovered the lifeless body of his son on their family room couch. Eighteen-year-old Denny had died without warning from what was later explained as complications due to Mono. Sixteen years later, Dennis still struggles with living in a world without his son.Life After the Death of My Son shares a glimpse of the unspeakable pain, helplessness, frustration, and eventual healing that Dennis and his wife, Buelah, have experienced since losing their son. Using excerpts from his journal—which he began the day after Denny died—Dennis explores the dark, lonely road of grieving for a child. He discloses his anger and disappointment with God, discusses his frustrations with friends and family, and shares how he’s dealt with the grief attacks, which continue to sneak up and surprise him. His painful, yet promising story offers comfort and connection to those walking similar paths. With understanding and compassion, Dennis offers grieving parents insight from 10 lessons he’s learned—and continues to learn. His gentle words and honest understanding will guide those with grieving hearts on their difficult journey; giving them hope; helping them to discover ways in which God is able to continue the life of the child they loved.

Paperback: 192 pages

Publisher: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City (March 10, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0834123657

ISBN-13: 978-0834123656

Product Dimensions: 5.3 x 0.5 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (85 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #36,047 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #37 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Death & Grief #8271 in Books > Religion & Spirituality

As a mom who has buried two children, a stillborn daughter and a 16 year old son, and having a ministry with bereaved mothers, I have read many books on grief and the loss of a child. Yet, I've never read a book that hit the raw emotions and the grief journey I have walked with such open honesty, as this book. Though I read this book in 24 hours, it could not be read in one sitting, as my tear blurred eyes had to recover from the emotions and pains I similarily went through (and still am).Dennis Apple, the author, and also a pastor, shares with little hesitation,his journey of grief, questioning God, loneliness and despair as he tried to find normalcy. He shares not only his pain but not understanding his wife's depression and his searchings to console her. Sharing excerpts from his journal, Mr. Apple writes of the roller coaster of grief, the unexpected attacks of grief, even many years later. Even with his wonderings at times where God was, he shares how he can see God never left him, and gives hope and understanding to those walking this road now.This book is not just for bereaved parents, but should be read by pastors, grief counselors, extended family of the bereaved or anyone who wants or should understand the pain after the loss of a child. I invite you to read this book to understand and care for others. Though you will most likely have a tear streaked book when you are finished, it will give you hope and understanding.

This is the first "real" book that I have read about the grief process that was right on the money. Dennis Apple gives a very honest, strightforward truth about what really happens to those suffering from a tragic loss of a child. He helps the reader know that what they are experiencing is normal and that there is hope. Being a mother who has also experienced the loss of a child, I found this book to be very uplifting and very encouraging. My hope is that others will read it and feel the same. I also think this is a great book for those who feel led to be grief counselors. It will give them an honest look at how to approach and not approach those in grief. A very awesome book!

"The unthinkable has happened! I have lost my only son, my oldest child on August 2, 2009. He just turned 27 on June 3rd, 2009. Somewhere on those first dark days, in which the fog and gut wrenching pain only allows me to remember being picked up off my knees several times crippled with pain, and having this book recommended to me. I thank God, and my friend for recommending this book. I was desperate for comfort, hope, and to know that someone, anyone lived through this devastation. In this book, Dennis Apple speaks candidly about the loss of his son Denny, offering an intimat look into one of the most devestating and frightful times of Dennis and his family's life. Through his loss and experience, Dennis Apple gave me a life preserver, when I was plunged into the cold, frightning ocean of darkness called grief. An ocean where bereaved parents, have never tread, never wanted or imagined to be thrown into, have no idea how to swim against the current of grief, and can feel themselves drowning. Dennis Apple's book gave me the hope that I could get through this, I could learn to breath again, and survive my son's death. I highly recommend this powerful, yet gentle read, it is truly a guiding light through this storm. Thank you Dennis, Buelah, Andrew and Angel Denny! I am so sorry for your loss, and the tragic loss of your son, that gave you the "experience" to write this book of hope for bereaved parents. Thank you for your honesty with about questioning your faith, and the depression that can set in, if not paid attention to. This book made me pay attention to the HOPE for tomorrow, prepare for the waves of grief, the hills and valleys, and that what I am feeling is "normal" normal as a newly bereaved mother can be. Blessings!"

Our son just recently passed away ( and I have tried to find a book to help. This book my son's fiancee picked up by accident at the Christian book store. Once you start reading the book you can't put it down. When tragedy happens you look for something or someone to relate to...certainly there must be someone out there. This book for us on the tragic loss of our tender hearted son at 23 has been a great help. Our son like his was so loving and kind and wouldn't think twice about walking with his arm over his parents shoulders in a mall. Anyway, a great help and encouragement through the grieving process. Highly recommended.

My wife and could have written this book. Dennis Apple's words express the same raw, paralyzing, draining emotions we felt when we lost our twenty-seven year old son, Eben, in a car-motorcycle accident. Dennis tells how people around him did not 'comprehend' how life stopped for he and his wife. Anyone lost a son/daughter needs to read this. You have a friend that understands. It will help you release your grief. It only has been a year and half for us, but with God's grace we are healing day by day. rudyghoggard, author of 'A Place Called Williford Town'.

Dennis Apple is a gifted counselor and a thoughtful Christ-follower. Among his many gifts is an honest transparency about the dark places of faith, where questions outnumber answers.Instead of pretending, hiding or covering his grief, Apple learns from it and then begins to teach all of us in useful ways. He teaches as a fellow struggler, as one who seeks rather than one who 'knows it all.'This is an excellent book and a great companion for anyone who is experiencing loss. It should also be carefully read by those who believe they are competent to counsel those who grieve.Wise, insightful, refreshingly honest, and well worth reading.Dr. David FrisbieThe Center for Marriage & Family StudiesAuthor of: Moving Forward After Divorce: Practical Steps to * Healing Your Hurts * Finding Fresh Perspective * Managing Your New Life

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