File Size: 76252 KB
Print Length: 688 pages
Publisher: Cengage Learning; 010 edition (March 1, 2013)
Publication Date: March 1, 2013
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Not enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #72,614 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #16 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Systems Analysis & Design #38 in Books > Computers & Technology > Computer Science > Systems Analysis & Design #14275 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction
This was a required book for a third year college course. This book is a very slow read, and while it includes 'real-world' examples, they are woefully simplified. Almost every other page includes advertisements for a related courseware program. It is important for anyone buying this that unless you buy a BRAND NEW copy it will NOT include the "CourseMate Printed Access Card" advertised in the listing name. Getting this access direct from the company will run about $190.00 more.
Cengage should be sued over their DRM restrictions. I have a dyslexia and have difficulty reading. The DRM applied to this text is so restrictive that I am unable to use any text-to-speech software (which is the entire reason I bought my Kindle).I have asked the College of Letters and Science to discontinue use of any materials from this publisher. I have asked the School of Information Studies specifically to ban the use of Cengage texts. I am in talks with one of the Ph.D.s in the department about investigating the legality of the DRM applied by Cengage.
This was bought from :The wording indicates that online course material is part of the purchase of this item and was material to my decision not to buy used.The rating is one star because the price of this book, NEW, was nearly $195 and it did NOT come with the accompanying online materialfrom As a matter of fact I am seriously considering returning this and buying used because there is no differencein the products and I could have gotten the exact same book for close to $90. I consider this to be deception if not outright fraud. needs to clearly state that the book does _not_ come with any online access or that that access must be purchased separately.Over half way through my class and I can safely say that this book is not much better than any other online resource when it comes to actually explaining approaches. In some areas it does marginally better but the content to fluff ratio is much higher than it should be. Furthermore the book fails to cite any sources for information. If I did this in my class I would be charged with plagiarism. The rating stays at one star.
This book is SO boring! I was extremely interested in this class when I signed up and I now hate everything to do with Systems Analysis thanks to this book. I am an avid reader and I just couldn't make it through. The order in which they introduce and talk about things makes no sense. I got this on the kindle edition, and used the search feature to look up keywords for homework help. But each termed was scattered throughout the book in no logical order, so I had to guess every time if I was picking the result that would actually give me the information I needed. Needless to say, I gave up on this book and turned to Google.
This is probably the worst textbook I've ever had the misfortune of having to buy and use. The information is not organized well at all so finding what you're looking for is next to impossible, and the entire book is basically just one big exercise in corporate brain washing. It's filled with corporate jargon and corporate advertising instead of providing useful information about systems analysis. It's amazing that garbage like this is allowed to be published and sold to students, and that colleges actually use this trash.
This book, as a general overview of concepts is just fine. However, it mostly feels like a big colorful commercial for Microsoft and other Systems Analysis products. I can understand preparing the student for real world work but the book talking about how one product is better than another just seems dishonest in an academic book.
I dislike this textbook. If I wasn't required to use it for a course I would have sent it back immediately. This book is not a systems analysis book. It is far more focused on the business analysis. I understand that the two intertwine, but with this book you would expect it to be heavy on systems design and analysis (which is the very title of the book), but it's not. I could take my project management text book and this text book, take the covers off and most people would have a very difficult time telling them apart. If you don't need this for a course, find a different book.
Book arrived WITHOUT the 1 term (6 month) Coursemate printed access.Book was fine, used as advertised, but good shape.Next time I will be very wary of advertised claims of including any type of online access information,unless the book is new!
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