File Size: 1420 KB
Print Length: 42 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: CyberWolf Publishing (November 25, 2013)
Publication Date: November 25, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #231,860 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #21 in Books > Computers & Technology > Hardware & DIY > Mainframes & Minicomputers #47 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Mechanical > Robotics #69 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Computer Technology > Robotics & Automation
I would like to clarify one thing. This is not just a book, this is the manual for your very first robot. The author takes you on a step by step walk through of the making of your robot and was kind enough to remove the guess work for you. Highly recommend this book for anyone who has never touched a raspberry pi and is interested in're going to want the basics that this book gives you. And if there's something you dont understand or doesnt work for you...feel free to email the author like i did and receive timely help(now how's that for support xD).
I have been interested in getting into building a Raspberry Pi project for some time as I've heard a lot about it, and thought building a robot would be the most fun entry into a hobby like this. I'm glad I picked up Wolfram Donat's PiBot book - it shows clearly everything I need to buy, which turned out not to be that expensive - and am building my first hobby bot with my 7 year old son. The programming itself is laid out pretty clearly and it's easy to follow using this book. Everything is explained well enough too that I'm thinking of ideas for my next 'bot also! I highly recommend this book if you like fun geek projects, or want to get your kids into robot building as a hobby and learning device.
Was mainly interested in the book for the interfacing information. It is a simple, short book, well illustrated, and some good information, although nothing in depth. It is adequate for beginners with Pi to start interfacing and developing a robotics or other automated platform
This book is easy to easy to follow and I think anyone who reads it will be able to build a basic robot using a Raspberry Pi. It's a good beginner book for someone who has a Pi and wants help with setting it up, and is interested in building their first robot.However, I feel this book is only suitable for beginners. It doesn't give the reader much help with regards to further exploration beyond this book, and the robot built is very simple. (It doesn't have any sensors.)I would have liked to see an exploration of sensor processing using GPIO, and a robot that can navigate autonomously using some sort of sensors.
This book is not detailed education material for serious robotics enthusiasts. But it can fast track you into robotics using the Raspberry Pi. If you are a 10 year old or a young teen who is into programming since an early age, then this book is for you.I would not give negative reviews because the intent of this book is not to make you a robotics guru. Therefore, do not miss the point if you decide to buy it.
Not what I expected. I had expected there would be more detials about building your own Pi-based robot. Very light on details. There is useful information though. Price reflects infomation contained therein. This book is a real high level overview but does contain some useful information about sourcing parts, specifically different types of motors for locomotion. There is some light simple code as well.
Unlike other technical books where e-readers slaughter the code and LaTex math formulas, the rendering of this short little "how to" book on Kindle is excellent. The line spacing is not as critical in Linux as in Python or Java either, so you can use code right out of Kindle and the numerous support websites listed by the author. I'm a roboticist so had even more fun with this, but frankly it also is a great general intro to the Pi because of the significant number of bib items that are very valuable for many other projects from security to multimedia.For $7 US on Kindle, a great little buy for both Pi enthusiasts and those wanting to get into their first little droid. Highly Recommended.
With detailed codes. It's a really good instruction for building a simple robot that controlled by Raspberry Pi. And the resourses that the book supplies are quite useful.
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