Hardcover: 784 pages
Publisher: Pearson; 5 edition (December 4, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0131866141
ISBN-13: 978-0131866140
Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 1.2 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 3.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (13 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #589,383 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #322 in Books > Computers & Technology > Computer Science > Robotics #486 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Industrial, Manufacturing & Operational Systems > Robotics & Automation #822 in Books > Textbooks > Engineering > Mechanical Engineering
As is usually the case with Prentice Hall books, you are left puzzled about how to use the information presented in the chapter to solve even the first Practice Problem in each chapter. The chapter uses simple examples, and then expects you to solve more complicated systems without explaining how the concepts can be extended to cover them.The authors also provide no answers to the practice problems, so to check any of your work you must find someone that knows the correct answer and compare your work with theirs.It seems every time the author attempts to extend some help by preworking part of a problem they make a typo... With only one simple example as guidance there is no room for typos.On the plus side, the material in the book is well selected. If you are working on control systems, you will find these topics helpful, so the book does deserve a star, but only one.I do not recommend this book or its publisher, Prentice Hall; especially to anyone trying to independent study this material.
I found this book fairly enjoyable. However, I agree with most of the other reviewers here that this is not exactly a book for beginners in control systems. However, I found this book extremely useful for beginning Discrete Systems. It gives excellent and thorough comparisons of continuous (CLTI) and discrete systems (DLTI) (The author keeps referring to the LTI analysis equivalent of the DTI system step by step. This book really should have been labeled "Introduction to discrete time systems with comparisons of continuous systems" or something similar.Furthermore, I really enjoyed the topics on frequency analysis. I did an undergrad course in controls, however it was oriented more towards aircraft controls and aircraft dynamics so we did not have time to cover frequency analysis. The chapters Phillips presents on frequency analysis were clear and concise. Now I have a deeper appreciation for s-domain and frequency domain analysis and how they work together in control system analysis.Also, I appreciated the introduction to non-linear systems, however, it seemed a little out of place and should perhaps be scrapped and used for an introduction of more advanced topics in linear systems.My only beef with this book is that the introductory sections are brief and short lived all in anticipation to get to the discrete time systems analysis (previously mentioned) which span at least 4 chapters - almost 1 quarter of the entire book.Recap:ProsExcellent Introduction to Discrete SystemsExcellent Chapters on frequency analysisConsPoor introduction to continuous control system basics for beginners (CLTI).Out of place chapter on non-linear methods
If all you want is a great text, dont shoot for the latest edition. however if you want to run through the matlab examples, this one wont cut the cheese, alteast for me; some of the functions specified dont work in matlab2013. but that could be user error.If you need the homework problems as well, chances are 5th edition will be required because they changed/rearranged problems.Overall, a very easy-to-follow text that i am very glad to have purchased.
As a controls engineer, I took many courses both as an undergrad & grad student.I do concur that the book has some obvious shortcomings; Lack of solutions to exercises being primary. Also, the explanations while concise may be terse for the first time student. The book's strength is really as a review or summary text for practicing engineers. If you studied for many years but can carry only one book, this is a good one. If you're studying for the PE exam, this will serve you well.
I use this book as a reference. I have taught the course of Basics of Automatic Control at The Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City. I need some reference books. I think that it meets my course.Huynh MInh Ngoc
It could use more examples, but overall it is a good book with detailed explanations. The problems offered are versatile and there are solutions in the back to confirm.
This book covers all the subjects that I need. It's very well organized and has many examples of Matlab programs, and simulation on Simulink.
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