Paperback: 86 pages
Publisher: Provoking Thoughts (October 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0955683645
ISBN-13: 978-0955683640
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.2 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (89 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #239,422 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #113 in Books > Computers & Technology > Computer Science > Systems Analysis & Design #61429 in Books > Reference
Here's what I like about this book.Gojko is one smart guy, but he freely admits that he is standing on the shouldersof giants, that the idea of impact mapping is only his take on good ideas that othershave had. He gives credit not only to other innovators but to those who havehelped to improve his idea along the way.He is treating this technique in an agile way. He admits that it is not fully formed, so heis putting out his best effort (which I think is pretty good!) and inviting you toparticipate. He has created a forum for feedback and invites all comers.This approach is not only used for the publishing and communicating *OF* themethod, it is used *FOR* the method itself!I always look at the references when I read a book. I was so happy to see Tom Gilband Gary Klein cited. Both of these authors have had major impact on the waywe work and the way we think about work. Two thumbs up!Gojko continally starts with the work of other innovators. Every section begins witha summary of what a major contributor has to say about a topic. These words ofwisdom are little handles that allow us to hang on while he applies this receivedknowledge to his method. It gives the reader confidence that each step is therebecause Gojko has done his homework!I love this little book. You can read it in a short time, start using it, and starthelping others to use it and together we can all learn and make things better!
Impact Mapping provides essential guidance on using an efficient and effective technique that encourages product partners to build the right products--ones that have impact. Impact mapping, the subject of Gojko's lithe, approachable book, is an adaption of visual mapping technique (effect mapping).Impact maps serve to align teams to business objectives, test mutual understanding of goals and expected outcomes, focus teams toward the highest value features to deliver, and enable collaborative decision-making. As such, impact maps--succinctly and approachably described in Gojko's book--is a key tool for collaborative strategic planning.This is a book you can reference with ease as you plan and facilitate workshops (collaborative meetings with clear purpose and outcomes) for example: release or iteration planning, product roadmapping, process improvement, product and team chartering. And don't forget: it's not just for software products. You will find impact mapping and Gojko's book, useful for strategic alignment needed for any product--software, systems, or services.Gojko's book is useful, useable and desirable--all the characteristics we want in a great resource! It is useful for building a shared understanding of the big "why's" for our work that is visual, fast to use, and encourages product partners to collaborate. It is useable--easy to read, including engaging cartoons and color, examples, references, and tips. It's desirable to build product that provide impact--aligns to goals and objectives and provide evidence of their value.Try impact mapping and use Gojko's marvelous book, Impact Mapping: Making a Big Impact with Software Products and Projects to guide you to do your best, most impactful work.
I started using impact mapping with the Kanbanery team almost two years ago, based on a blog post I'd read, and found it immediately helpful in identifying the connections between the work we were doing and the outcomes we expected. The approach addresses many of the problems I've seen with agile web development, which include chasing vanity metrics, adding unnecessary clutter (features that don't achieve their desired results but stay in anyway), and whim-driven design.In this short book, Gojko describes the tool, why it works, how to use it, how not to use it, and then he kindly walks you through the entire agenda for an impact mapping meeting, explaining how to conduct the meeting and what to expect from each step.There's no fluff here, just clear instructions on how to use this powerful tool for getting the best results from your product development effort.I highly recommend it.
What I didn't like:1. The 1st quarter of the book contains too much about the benefits of impact mapping without providing much context. e.g: Impact mapping solves the problem of X in the lean startup methodology.It provides the "what" but doesn't provide much details on how and why it is better.2. The book could be structured much better in a way the reader can absorb and implement Gojko ideas without understanding the whole concept. e.g: showing the readers the end result of what they can do after reading the book instead of filling it up with how good impact mapping is.To be honest, readers don't care how great it is if it doesn't help them.3. Not enough image and validity on how other companies are using Impact Mapping / case studies.4. Too much tactic not enough strategy. The book doesn't provide enough fundamentals and reasoning on how impact mapping will benefit the readers.5. The term Gojko used like "deliverables", "actors" and "impact" can be much better phrased to be much understandable. Every single time when deliverables is used, my brain have too rephrase it too features.What I like:1. I love the structure of impact mapping on how we must think of the impact first instead of thinking of features to build.2. The book is short and can be read in 1 go.With a bit of restructuring and optimising so that the readers can implement this quickly in their business, I believe this book can be on par or even better than the Lean Startup by Eric Ries.
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