Series: The Lily Series
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (December 10, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1400319501
ISBN-13: 978-1400319503
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (110 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #34,204 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #16 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Maturing #261 in Books > Children's Books > Religions > Christianity #287 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Children's & Teens
Age Range: 7 - 10 years
Grade Level: 2 - 5
Have you ever heard of the American Girl book, "The Care and Keeping of You"? This is the Christian version! Ms. Rue and the girls from the Lily series explain, talk about, ask questions, give tips, and more on the subject of adolescence. What's better about this one? It's got God in it. Ms. Rue encourages girls to take all of their problems to God, and provides spaces in the book to write out prayers to our Heavenly Father. I loved reading it, as it has given me knowledge about changes, and what to do with my problems. I suggest it for girls ages 8-14.
The Body Book is a non-fiction book which encourages girls to embrace the unique and special body God gave them and to trust Him during this time of transition. It explains about the body changes that will occur during puberty and the fun Q&A format provides helpful, practical tips for all the body changes tweens are experiencing. Some of the topics covered are menstruation, body changes, eating healthy, eating disorders, and exercise.Things I liked:* All of these issues are dealt with in a Christian manner. They encourage the girls to listen to their moms, to trust them, and be respectful.* The unborn baby is treated as a real baby right from conception, of course!* There are a lot of Scripture and prayers included. The girls are encouraged to journal about their feelings and talk to God about it.* I learned some things I didn’t know that will help me as I help my daughters enter this change in their life.Things I didn’t like:* In a short sentence in The Body Book explaining how the egg is fertilized, the book talks about “the guy”, not “your husband.” This is a HUGE mistake, in my opinion and very contrasting to the very godly way of dealing with the other issues.* There was no discussion of the dangers of Toxic Shock Syndrome related to tampon use (high absorbency or leaving in too long). In fact the book said emphatically that you can’t get sick from their use. Another HUGE mistake.*. I think 7 years old is too early for this book. Parents, read through it first and see if your daughter is ready for these topics.(I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for this honest review.)
I bought this book for my daughter who is 11-1/2. We have always had very open, honest dialogue about everything and this is a great book for continuing that dialogue. She and I cuddle on the couch and read the chapters together, then we discuss the journaling part and she goes to her room, sits and writes, and prays over the parts that it says to do. It's great.My only concern with the book is that sometimes it mentions "if your mother doesn't agree with this, that's okay, you need to respect her decision, maybe approach it with her later". It give the feel to me of 'your mom is wrong, but bring it up later.' I'm not crazy about that, but otherwise it's a great book. I will likely check into getting the others in this series.
This is a wonderful book! I wish they had books like this when I was a little girl. This makes an uncomfortable subject very comfortable. My daughter really enjoyed this book - she said "Mom, I'm glad you bought this for me - it's really informative." And she is only 10 years old. The author did a really good job of answering the "what if this happens to me" questions. It also addresses the subject of eating correctly, exercising, and staying away from things that will harm your body. My daughter understands that her body is a special gift from God and that she needs to treat it like a precious jewel. The author adds humor to it which makes it fun reading.
Overall this was a great book to go over with my 9 year old daughter just before she started fourth grade. I loved the Christian perspective and my daughter loved the little quizzes. One thing I didn't like was that it assumes the reader already knows what a period is right from the beginning. Even in the period chapter, it assumes you know what is involved. This book was the first time my daughter became aware that a period was more than a dot at the end of the sentence. I would have preferred that it started out with an explanation of what a period was instead of expecting that she already is aware and that she has negative feelings about it.
I was looking for a book to open discussion with my 10 year old daughter about puberty, however from a Christian perspective. This is it!! It stresses how much God has a plan for their lives and how special they are. It also speaks about talking with your mother but respecting her answer if it happens to be "no". Great book.
I read this book before giving it to my 9 year old daughter. She loves other books by Nancy Rue. I love the way this book talks openly about the changes a girl's body goes through during her pre-teen and teenage years and how it teaches them to take care of their body. I also love the way it teaches them to ask GOD for help and rely on HIM. But, the part I love the most is that it strongly encourages them to talk to their mom first, or another adult they trust if they have any questions. This is a great book to allow your daughter or a girl you love to learn the important information they need as they begin their journey into womanhood.
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