File Size: 363 KB
Print Length: 96 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: FarmHaus Studios (August 30, 2012)
Publication Date: August 30, 2012
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B0094GQK28
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #78,755 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #7 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Education > Homeschooling #24 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Education & Teaching > Teacher Resources > Homeschooling #64 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Family
I bought this book last week and let me just say that the Lord spoke to my heart through the words He inspired Karen to write down in this book. So much of the things she described she had been through were exactly me! And while I know deep down God's Word is the most important book in our homeschool I was not really giving it justice and using it more than the academic books available to us. God is the giver of WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE and that is what I want my kids to have! How can they if we don't make it our focus? I felt like I had been floundering in my homeschool journey recently because of life's interruptions etc. but now I feel refreshed and renewed knowing that ALL I really need to do is REALLY focus on the Lord for WISDOM and guidance and let HIM direct our homeschool. God is also the one Who allows life's little interruptions and He allows them for a reson, not for me to get upset and discouraged but to grow me and our family to a closer walk with Him.READ the book, you will flounder NO MORE!!
We are halfway through our first year. Thank you God for putting this book in my hands. I feel it was a message directly from Him. I will turn to Him and let Him guide us. I have not done this everyday and now I know what was missing. Instead of floundering about looking everywhere else, we will start everyday looking toward Him. Thank you!!
Called Home is a continual reminder for all homeschool parents to relax, because if you are focusing on your ministry (your kids!) and teaching them God's Word - there is no great joy than seeing your children have a Biblical foundation, walking in the TRUTH of God's Word, and see it change their lives!When I finished Called Home, late on a Sunday night, I informed my children the next morning that we were not going to even touch our school books for a whole week or more! They couldn't believe it, but I felt free to do something that I had wanted to do: a Chronological Bible chart, which my kids faithfully worked on the papers many days afterwards! My oldest son loved sitting there with his Bible reading more and more before deciding what to draw. My daughter loved using her artistic skills to bring the Bible stories to life. And my youngest son made sure to draw all the major battles in the Bible! I was a mom who enjoyed participating, hearing about what they were learning, and why they drew something a certain way. We were all digging in to God's Word more! Most of all, it encouraged my heart to see my children building a firmer foundation on God's Word and a Biblical worldview!I promise you, Called Home will challenge you as a homeschool parent! Buy it, read it, and apply it to every day life!
I found this book very helpful....before I was the mom always on the internet searching for the best curriculum for my child, but always ending up frustrated. I would buy books, all kinds of organization supplies, etc and still always wonder if I am doing the right thing, using the right books. After I read this book I took her advise and stopped looking for the right curriculum/books and then praying for the Lord to show me the one, and started just praying for the Lord to show me the curriculum I need. As soon as I did this he started putting the right books etc. right in front of my face, mostly books I had never considered just started to feel right. The author does tend to repeat herself a little....however I didn't mind because the way she reminds you to relax, simplify things, put the Lord first, and make the Bible your #1 textbook really put things into perspective for me. Don't go about your day and then talk and fellowship with the Lord with any leftover time if you have any (yeah right) talk and fellowship with the Lord and read his word and then go about the rest of your day and make time for the other things. You will be amazed how things will turn around, and he will lead you every step of the way!!!
I home schooled my youngest son who is now 35 with a family of his own, and this book cover and title just called out to me. I like to keep up with things going on in the "homeschooling world" since my daughter home-schools.When I opened the "look inside" feature, the author drew me in from the first few paragraphs, and I knew I had to had this book; not only for my own enjoyment but to share with my daughter and other homeschoolers. I could so relate to the author and the way she got started and I loved the fact that this constantly reminds you that when you are at the end of your rope to remember WHO is in charge. Great book...highly recommended!
This was overall a good book with a wonderful message. Without a doubt, I got something out of it that I will take with me as I prepare to homeschool my two small children. It seems to expand upon the message you can find throughout the author's main work, Simply Homeschool, that is to let God lead your homeschool and he will provide immeasurably. And I totally agree. The only reason my rating is not 5 stars is because I believe it could have been much more concise. The same message was repeated multiple times throughout the book, over and over, which makes me think it could have been written in about half the number of pages. Don't get me wrong: the book had many pearls of wisdom, used Bible verses that expounded upon the author's point, and portrayed the message with use of clear personal examples. However, it could easily be condensed, and I would encourage the author to do so.
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