Series: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin, a-199 (Book 199)
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC (January 6, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1580172202
ISBN-13: 978-1580172202
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.1 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (54 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #298,927 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #12 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Chemical > Cosmetics #219 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Candlemaking #226 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Soap Making
I have used this recipe four times. The first time I used the recipe was my first experience making soap. We were thrilled with the results. The mixture is easy to pour, making a nice, neat slab of soap to cut 24 hours later. The bars cured and became nice, hard bars of soap. The soap bars last a long time, too. One batch of this soap lasts me 10 months! I use these bars as shampoo bars, too, and it leaves my hair clean and soft. I have tried other soap recipes too, and some of them are very nice, but this recipe is my favorite. I cannot find it lacking in any respect, and have had no trouble with it whatsoever.This is a great beginner recipe, believe me. Yes, the author cautions the reader to take the necessary precautions, and that is scary, but you will be safe if you are careful. Don't be afraid; be cautious.Just remember your chemistry classes. Making soap is chemistry. Cooking is chemistry. Baking bread is chemistry. You have done some of these things already. Now try making soap. It is just one more chemistry experiment. If I can do it, so can you!
Learn the time-honored secrets of making moisturizing, skin-nourishing soaps with milk!Create this sought-after soap at home using the specialized yet simple techniques Casey Makela has developed in more than 15 years of soapmaking. Covers how to make moisturizing milk-based soaps like Oatmeal, Peaches and Cream, and specialty soaps.Contents include, but are not limited to, making molds, working with lye, preparing the milk, basic equipment, scents, ingredients, specialty recipes, preserving and packaging. This book contains excerpts from another book written by Makela - "Milk Based Soaps."
This was one of the first books I read on soap making, it is very good and covers the basics well with a lot of good info for doing soap without a big investment in equipment.
I am new to this hobby and like books that can simplify the process of making the gentle soaps. Lot's of recipes and well written.I would recommend.
Very nice quality paper, interesting and informative history of milk and soap making, extremely helpful directions and explanations that leave you feeling informed instead of ignorant, step-by-step instructions all the way from making the molds, to a safe work environment, to the finished product. Very diverse selection of recipes, something for everyone to choose from. My favorite is the lavender lace soap!
My grandmother used to make lye soap (back in the early 1900's) and I always wondered how to make it. This book is gives very inciteful information and directions. The pics of the 'molds' is also very useful.
This is a great little booklet. It was free, and a good read. I highly recommend it to anyone that is interested in making soaps. I like to read a wide variety on a subject before I take it on as a project.
Its a bit short but to the point. Clear and precise on how to make the milk soap. Not overly long winded.
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