File Size: 4347 KB
Print Length: 1178 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 3 edition (August 23, 2002)
Publication Date: February 9, 2009
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0596108974
ISBN-13: 978-0596108977
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #103,052 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #1 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Networks, Protocols & APIs > LDAP #3 in Books > Computers & Technology > Operating Systems > Unix > Administration #16 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Intranets & Extranets
At first glance, this book seems like a typical O'Reilly book: a narrow title, rich in material, and is beneficial to a much wider audience than the title reveals. It covers a wide range of system administration subjects and goes way beyond just the essentials.Over the years, I have administered several multi-user UNIX, Linux, and FreeBSD servers. I believed that I knew the essentials, because if I did not, I would not have been able to do my job all these years. I wanted to see if the things that I learned by experience, often the hard way, are included in "Essential System Administration". Sure enough, they were all there. Not only that, but they are laid out simply, without much unnecessary technical details, and accompanied by numerous examples and anecdotal encounters by the author. If you read one section, you would be able to apply the knowledge and skills that it describes right away. For instance, you don't need to read the entire manual of procmail in order to write some effective mail filters; chapter 9 has a section on "Mail Filtering with procmail" that covers the essentials.One impressive feature of this book is that it covers how to do things on a variety of operating system including various flavours of UNIX, Linux, and BSD. In the past, I often ran into a situation where I knew how to do something on FreeBSD, but did not know how to accomplish the same task on Solaris. With this book by my side, I will not have this problem again.Another feature of the book is that it covers a very, VERY, very wide variety of administrative topics: from every day system management, to operating system internals, to various devices, to backing up, to scheduling, to rebuilding the kernel.
I think the only reason I ultimately had to give this book a 4 star rating instead of a 5 star rating is just the date of the last publishing which is pushing on 13 years now. Most of the core areas of *nix administration are covered and each section goes into quite a bit of detail, but I've already found tools being used that have been outmoded by new tools available to the modern Linux user.But outside of that, and that's kind of a nitpick it's always good to learn the history and fundamentals in software, this book hits on the areas that you are most likely to run into in a system administrator position, and since it's not JUST about Unix,or Linux, but rather about * nix systems in general, it seems like a well rounded book. I like the fact that the chapters are organized into TASK areas, and then get into the details about how to do that task effectively and what's important about that task. It really speed things up if you have already outgrown your "first" Linux book (for beginners).You could go into this as a beginner, but I'd recommend "How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know" if you just want to get a handle on what a modern Linux system is and you want to start from scratch.This books should probably be a second or third choice, but it's a solid buy and there is a TON of material here in those 1077 pages!Also, you may also want to check out 'Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook". I couldn't really say which is better, probably the latter, but I'm glad I have both because Linux is a HUGE subject and it's nice to have complementary material. I would say that this book really hits on the major areas of *nix administration in a logical easy to follow way.
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