Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Timber Press; 1st Ed. edition (June 18, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 160469372X
ISBN-13: 978-1604693720
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.6 x 8.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (150 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #114,533 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #19 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Toys & Models > Miniatures #24 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Gardening & Landscape Design > By Technique > Container Gardening #28 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Flower Arranging & Crafts > Flower Arranging
I have made a number of container fairy gardens and am also a public librarian. This book deals with technique, scale and the contents of miniature gardens. It will not be helpful to children or to fairy garden beginners. I found both the captions and the index to be incomplete, as I was unable to locate sources for many of the items photographed. On the other hand, some of the 1/4" gardens are very doable when you realize you can make them in terra cotta saucers, small buckets or shallow containers. The strength of this book is in the detailed information on plants.
This beautiful guide to growing and tending small gardens should be on every 'bonsai' type gardeners shelf. The photographs are amazing and could double as a coffee table book. There is advice ranging from which type of container to use, which plants to add and to how many hour you plan to devote to it. These are all very important points to consider. Scaling is written about in detail and something that is not mentioned in many books. There is a detailed list of plants that will work in different lighting areas.If you love small gardens, or just want to bring nature a little closer on a small scale, this is your book !
This is so detailed yet easy and clear to follow the instructions. What I love is the attention to scale and how real it all looks in a photo. Especially the in-ground gardens. This appeals to me on so many levels, gardening, miniatures, creativity, beauty, etc. I could go on forever. Love it.
I never "got into" dollhouses--but when you put minatures and PLANTS together --this was a winner with me! I refer to the book often! Would recommend to others
I was so excited to get this book, but it let em down. There are tips and ideas for building a miniature garden, but I found that the most important piece was getting the right place. The author actually wrote a considerable amount about why one should not just get a small plant and rather a true "miniature" variety. However, there are nearly no resources about how to locate these miniature plants. I was expecting, at a minimum, a list of specific plant varieties. I was hoping for a website where I could buy some. She merely offered that I look online and try my local nursery.So I tried 3 local nurseries, one a big box place. The people all told me that they didn't have a "miniature" section as she suggested in the book, and they weren't aware of having a miniature plants. At least with an appendix of specific plant names, I might have been able to get better help. It was a waste of money. I was initially thinking I would just use small plants, but she did successfully convince me that I shouldn't do that. I gave up and decided to use fake plants.
I have known about for some time. I have perused her website many times, and I have been doing terrariums, and these mini gardens for quite some time. I found some of the information to be very good regarding scale, and how to's, and the only reason I am giving it 3 stars is that there was not one reference to resource materials that i could find. (for the adornments)Over the years I have searched high and low, purused flea markets, online and standing shops to find treasures, but one thing I really look forward to in these to' a great list of resources.Many of the items she is using are available through wholesale suppliers, I know as I used to work for a retail garden center, And I know a lot of the companies out there, but inevitably, those who are in the business of doing this stuff, going to the shows, are aware of many resources, and I usually learn of a new one or two,but nothing here, and that was a bit dissapointing.
The gardens are too much alike, there are not enough pictures, and there is not enough specific plant information for each garden shown. I like a specific "list" of plants that are included in gardens. It is too general for my taste.
Exactly what I needed to get started on my new hobby. Perfect picture inspiration, great how-to information. Best book on the subject.
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