File Size: 59918 KB
Print Length: 98 pages
Publisher: Rabbit Hole Productions; 1 edition (July 1, 2010)
Publication Date: July 1, 2010
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #153,230 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #16 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Seasonal #46 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Interior Design > Decorating #54 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Decorating
I absolutely LOVE books one and two of this series. These are movie set-quality props and techniques that you can make yourself for a fraction of the cost of buying these very same items from party supply stores; not only that, but you have the satisfaction of having created all of them yourself! I received the first book as a gift and have made some incredible pieces (if I don't say so myself) using amazingly simple and inexpensive tools and supplies (I found everything I needed from Home Depot and Lowes at low prices, and believe me, I am NOT a handy person). I had heard a second book was in the works, and I was not disappointed when I finally got a copy: more props, more figures, more fantastic ideas that are fun to duplicate, and easy to personalize into something brand new. I simply can't say enough about how inspiring and fun these books are; if you are a Halloween fanatic like I am, these two books - though pricey - have literally given me hours and hours of fun at my workbench in the garage and were worth every penny!
This is the second in the series, and is in many ways a continuation of the first book. How To Haunt Your House There are some in-depth treatments of making Styrofoam look creepy, and faux painting techniques that pick up where the first book left off. What made this book valuable for me is the chapter on using windshield wiper motors to animate Halloween props.As before, the lighting of the props is creepy, and the photos are super-clear. The layout of the book makes every page exciting. The writing is easy to understand and conversational in tone. All the techniques are easily accessible. But the strength of these books is that they provide a jumping-off point for anyone interested in making their houses creepy (not cutesy) at Halloween.
Anyone who loves Halloween will love this book. Not only is it great for people that want to build props, but it's also a great book to look at. Each project gives you a list of what you need and step by step "how to" instructions. I also have book one and there's enough variations and new projects to warrant having both books. I've built a couple of the props and even added some variations to the projects. Even if you don't build any of the props, it's still a great book to look at. The layout is great and all the photos are interesting. Just looking at the book will put you in the Halloween mood! Also, you don't have to use it for just Halloween. The projects are inspirational, some of which can be adapted to other venues.
This book is full of very original ideas for everyone from serious haunters to those who just want to add some spooky touches to their home. I haven't seen these props in any other book, and I read lots of Halloween how-to books.Some of the props are very large and involved and would take time and patience to create, but the end results are great. Some other props look like they could be done in an afternoon, but are equally impressive.As in Book One, there are instructions for creating relistic tombstones and a home cemetery. I especially like the styrofoam tomb cover to hide outside electronics, and the Grave Ghosts created by draping fabric over 'bodies' made out of chicken wire.The instructions are detailed and clear without becoming too complex, and the materials and supplies are things that nearly everyone could find at local stores.I think this book is as good as the first one.
I really hated to review this negatively because I loved the first book and from what I can tell the authors are really good people, but the material in this book should have been added to a second edition of the first book.Buy it anyway!
If you bought the first one you'll want this one too. If you didn't why not? Best pictures in any haunters guide. Directions good,with room for imagination. Do we dare hope for a third?
This second book in the series is definitely for those people who want to move beyond the basics of static props. In this volume are several "hacks" to make existing animatronic decorations spookier, and much more along the lines of motorized props.It is more for people who are willing to put a lot of time and money into their Halloween decorations - or are planning to MAKE money from their attraction. If you want to start a professional haunted house, this is a definite must! $40 spent is well worth the time saved. Of course, the digital download is available on lulu for $10.Even if you are not going to go "all out" on the electronics, there is lots of inspiration here. There are more finishing techniques, more static props, and more advice on making your Halloween scene a memorable one!Definitely recommended.
I now have books 1-3 of the "How to Haunt Your House" series and, of all the Halloween books I've ever read, these are by far the best. The books are beautiful to look at with a large format and lots of color photos. The directions are clearly written and clearly illustrated. The projects are inventive and spooky/gothic enough to add just the right flair to my haunted house. Nothing "cutesy" in these books. The sections on creating "monster mud" and carving your own tombstones appears in both books 1 & 2 but that is the only overlap that I noticed. Books 1 & 2 are my favorites because I create a cemetery outside and a haunted gothic mansion inside for our annual Halloween party. Book 3 delves more into the realms of the mad scientist and vampire hunter but there are still a couple of projects in there that I'm "dying" to try.So, if you want to impress your friends and neighbors at Halloween, whether you decorate inside, outside or both, you NEED these books. If you plan on having a Halloween party, you NEED these books. And, if you want to kick your decorating up a notch but don't want to buy a dozen different Halloween books looking for cool projects then you NEED these books.
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