File Size: 1373 KB
Print Length: 382 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: October 13, 2014
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #49,920 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Decorating #45 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Decorating #232 in Books > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Mystery > Cozy > Crafts & Hobbies
I fell in love with books by Joanna Campbell Slan with the Kiki series. Kiki is the kind of person you want as your best friend, and now we have another candidate for BFF status, Cara Mia! She's full of self doubt and bad luck in the romance department, but she's loving, forgiving and creative. There is a mystery to solve, and it's a biggie! There are mulitple love interests in this story and they are all great candidates. You leave the book wanting more, more of Cara Mia, more of Juniper Island, more up/recycling ideas and more stories, many more Cara Mia stories! While this book is a cozy in the sense the protagonist isn't a professional crime solver (she's owns a unique shop focusing on up-cycling and recycling), it has darker elements, it delves much deeper into the background of those involved in the mystery, and it's not pretty. There is some violence, but no vulgar language. The chapters switch between the perspective of Cara Mia, and of a local police detective, giving the book multiple voices and appealing to a broader audience (Cara Mia for the cozy feeling, and Lou for the hard-boiled type). What I particularly enjoy about books by Joanna are the elements of her own life and interests thrown in like making miniatures, Zentangle, recycling, and her love of dogs. It makes the characters seem more real and makes you want to know them. I know I would love to shop in her store. I cannot wait to see what happens next. One note not related to book content, but quality of editing: This book is wonderful. I read a lot of mysteries on my Kindle and these days so many these days are filled with poor editing, poor formatting, poor grammar, little fact checking and no continuity.
This is the second Cara Mia Delgatto Mystery that Joanna Campbell Slan has written. She’s not new to writing mysteries though. She has another series with Kiki Lowenstein. That series is called a Scrap-N-Craft. I had not read any of the other mysteries. So you can read Kicked to the Curb as a stand-alone. I will say that I enjoyed it so well, I will be looking to add the first book to my TBR pile. The other series probably won’t be far behind.There were a few things that I thought were refreshing. Cara doesn’t discover the body and she isn’t dating the cop (not yet anyway). Not earth shattering, I know. But it meant that the author wasn’t going for the easy formula. We will have to travel along the investigation on a duel path. What are the cops finding out and what is Cara finding out? Would the crime be solved sooner if each knew what the other did?I enjoyed all of the characters. They aren’t crazy, zany but had down to earth voices and everyday struggles and problems. Some of the best conversations were between Cara and a new employee Honora McAfee. Honora gave some great womanly advice and had a great attitude toward life and how to handle what it throws at you. I hope we will see more of Honora. Cara is a pleasant protagonist but you get the sense that from what has come before – she’s not at her best or strongest. The fact that she has all these good people around her that care about her and are loyal to her implies to me that there’s more to her than I am seeing in this particular novel. I am willing to read more about her to she becomes more of a leader in the next installment.The mystery plotting of the novel was done well and had a good balance of clues, possible villains and motives.
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