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Absolute Beginner's Guide To Security, Spam, Spyware & Viruses

Batten down the hatches! Hackers, spammers and thieves (oh my!) are after you! The mere act of turning on an Internet-connected computer can put you, your family, and your personal finances at risk by exposing you to viruses, scam artists, hackers, identity thieves, and spammers. How do you fight back? Absolute Beginner's Guide to Security, Spam, Spyware and Viruses is your first line of defense.   Clear, easy-to-understand definitions of viruses, spyware, and hackers will help you understand what you're up against everytime you go online. Then, you'll learn about other threats, such as identity theft, phishing, and other potential dangers you'll face in your everyday computing. Find out how to search out and destroy spyware, malware and other viscious programs that could potentially harm your computer. Then find out how to lock out hackers, spammers, and theives for good.   We'll tell you how to immediately cut the risk of being attacked in half — in less than 10 minutes! Protect your bank accounts, digital photos, digital music collection, masters thesis, and everything you hold near and dear on your computer with the help of the Absolute Beginner's Guide to Security, Spam, Spyware and Viruses.

Paperback: 384 pages

Publisher: Que Publishing; 1 edition (November 19, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0789734591

ISBN-13: 978-0789734594

Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.9 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,698,752 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #189 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Network Administration > Email Administration #240 in Books > Computers & Technology > Security & Encryption > Viruses #423 in Books > Computers & Technology > Certification > CompTIA

This book does a pretty good job at clearing away some of the mystery surrounding home computer security. For the uninitiated, it defines viruses, spyware, adware, spam, phishing, etc. and does a pretty good job of helping you to understand how these threats differ from each other. The book is less successful in differentiating the symptoms that help indicate which type of infection you might have. I think the author should have included a "symptoms matrix" which showed, in one chart, which symptoms apply to which threat and which threats might exhibit overlapping symptoms. Let's face it, many readers of this book bought it because they are having some type of malware problem and they need help in diagnosing it and then fixing it. Understanding what may have caused the problem is an important step, but it's only a step.The book puts too much reliance on virus checkers and spyware to resolve your problems. Even if these tools prevent 99% of all threats, it only takes one threat to bring your system to its knees. I don't think the book does enough to help you fix that type of problem.I also felt that the book may be a little irresponsible in encouraging you to wipe your system clean (reformat your hard disk and start over) if all else fails. It's a little bit like a book about warfare that spends a lot of time on dropping a nuclear bomb but didn't explain very well all of the other less drastic measures that should have been tried first.Another issue with the book is that Parts I, II, and III contain essentially the same tips organized in a different way. So, while the straightforward and humorous writing style should make a cover-to-cover read entertaining, the somewhat redundant sections actually make such a read a boring task as the book wears on.

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