File Size: 2953 KB
Print Length: 197 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: March 31, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #170,120 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #126 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Natural Foods #224 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Appliances #333 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Cooking Methods > Slow Cooking
A good cookbook which will shorten the time spent in the kitchen. I appreciatethe conversions from ml to grams and grams to Tbsp etc. So many cookbooksI have reviewed lately are done in grams and ml with no conversion chart or notconverted in the recipes as in this one. There are a few typo or spelling errorsand I am not talking about the difference between British and American English.I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Most of these recipes resemble ones I see on social media where the goal is to get people to like and share rather than to produce good results. Many have pictures that can't possibly result from following the directions -- for example, wrapping chicken in raw bacon and putting it in a slow cooker will not result in a nicely browned, crispy-looking result. And some recipes have no pictures at all, making me wonder if anyone even bothered to test them. Certainly no one bothered to proofread the recipes. The book abounds with such errors as "chicken things" (they meant thighs), or utterly ambiguous measurements such as "several rashers of raw bacon."You'd do much better to go to a recipe website where people can rate and comment the recipes than waste time on this book. No wonder the "author" used an obvious pseudonym.
I love using a crock pot. As a busy mom of three , using the crock pot is a great way to make a nice meal on a budget. I received this book as a digital copy for free in return for an honest review. When I first opened the book, I found a nice table of contents explaining what recipes the book contained , making it easier to find what Im looking for. The book takes a recipe and breaks down the ingredients needed clearly with translation from ML to cups ect. I appreciate the conversion. Each recipe contains a picture of the final product at the top of the page. It is a clear step by step book with ingredients,and preparation listed. Some of the recipes provided in the book may be a bit different for the american family. Pheasant stew or tongue in green sauce is something I have never tried before. Most of the recipes are a leaner meat or fish. This works well in a crock pot. I have not yet had the opportunity to actually make one of these meals but looking forward to trying some recipes like tuna steaks in cider sauce or chicken and bacon soup. The recipes are unique and easy to understand. I gave it 4 stars only because some of the recipes I know I wont use personally. It otherwise is a great book for someone who enjoys new recipes and willing to try something new.
77 recipes for the person who wants to make good food that can be virtually free of fat but retains nutrients. The author says cooking with a crock pot does require some organization and planning since cooking with a crock pot takes longer to cook. For a meal that would normally take you 20 to 30 minutes, you will need about 1 to 2 hours with your crock pot on high and 5 to 6 hours on low. The setting the crock pot is set on, high or low, some foods such as root vegetables cook more slowly affect the time it will take to end up with a meal. Planning ahead is a necessity. It means you start your evening meal in the morning. Cooking with a crock pot is great for cheap cuts of meat. Recipes in the book use cheaper cuts of meat and meat with the fat trimmed off. For most recipes all the ingredients can all go in together and you don’t have to keep going back and checking to stir, flip or whatever. Put the ingredients in, let the crock pot do your cooking (no more irritation of sticking, scorched food) while you go about your day.Most of the recipes have pictures, are well written and include both familiar and some that are a bit unusual, at least to me, but may be perfect for you.For me the greatest value of reading this cookbook is to send me to my cabinet to pull out my rarely used crock pot to make some beef brisket with herbs, leek with potato soup and pea with ham soup but I will pass on the eel and dill and the more unusual recipes.I received a free copy of this book fordoing an honest review.
First off let me say that I was given this book in exchange for my honest review... I absolutely love using a crockpot... I have had surgery on both of my hands and my hands always feel better in the morning so this is a great way to cut everything up and get it going earlier in the day when my hands are feeling at their best... That being said this book has a lot of unusual recipes for things that I would not make... Tongue, mutton, eel, boar, venison, rabbit, duck and pheasant are just not things that I would choose to cook... That being said if these foods are up your alley and you like cooking with a crockpot then this is definitely your book!
I received this book free for a review. I found this cookbook very well thought out. The pictures make you hungry just looking at them. Included are all time favorites as well as some not so well known. All sound absolutely delicious. If you enjoy preparing meals in the crockpot, this would be a good book to try.
There are 217 pages, a sprinkling of typos and recipes that seem to come primarily from Europe. I counted at least 11 recipes that are not based in red domesticated/ wild meat, fish, fowl, or marine. The benefits of slow cooking vs regular cooking are given as well as comparisons of cookingtimes depending on whether the crock pot is on high or low. Preparation & organization are vital. Have a dictionary at the ready for aubergines (eggplant), rasher (thin piece of bacon or ham according to Webster), Herbes de Provence, minced meat (author does not indicate whether actual meat or the non meat variety), tagliatelle (pasta in long ribbons), courgettes, gnocchi, calamari, stilton, and lardons... Not your typical American diet which is why I did not rate higher and did not like needing to decipher ingredients.adventure.
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