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BLOCKCHAIN: Quick Start Guide To Understanding Blockchain, The Biggest Revolution In Financial Technology And Beyond Since The Internet

At its core, a blockchain is simply a database used for cataloging information. What makes blockchain unique is that the database is distributed across a network of users and is maintained by records or “blocks” that any user can add to. Each new block contains information that links it to the most recent block in the chain.Why does blockchain matter?Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that was created for bitcoin, but has since found a wide variety of other applications from ecommerce and retail, to securing health care records, to maintaining all kinds of important databases. Chances are your life has already been impacted by a blockchain database. The influence of blockchain continue to grow exponentially in the coming years, leading some people to call it the greatest technological revolution since the internet!Understand blockchain!Don't get left behind as this important technology reshapes the world around you. Grab this guide to blockchain today and learn:The History of BlockchainWhere did blockchains begin?How does the blockchain system actually work?Why Blockchain MattersHow Blockchain can keep information private and secureThe Problems With BlockchainWho’s Using Blockchain Right Now?The Future of BlockchainReasons to be Cautious About BlockchainHow you can use blockchainScroll up and click buy to start learning everything you need to know about blockchain!

File Size: 196 KB

Print Length: 47 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: June 13, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #33,417 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #9 in Books > Computers & Technology > Security & Encryption > Encryption #10 in Books > Computers & Technology > Security & Encryption > Cryptography #12 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 90 minutes (44-64 pages) > Computers & Technology

This book was exactly what I was looking for when it comes to a solid crash course on blockchain. I already knew what blockchain is. I've bought and sold bitcoin and even done some mining a few years ago so I have some familiarity with the technology already. This book still taught me a few things and was an interesting and very well written overview of a complex technology.This book isn't going to make you an expert on blockchain (that would take years and probably a couple of computer science degrees) but I still found this book to be of great value. It lays out the "behind the scenes" technology that drives crypto currency like bitcoin and is interesting in its reflections on future opportunities to benefit from this technology... and also some of the scary potential problems!

I have no idea what a blackchain is. This book provides me with the overview of blockchain as well as orient me about bitcoin. I do not know that the two are interconnected. But amazingly it is. For me a world where bitcoin becomes a universal currency is surreal and scary. I find it scary because as what the book says, who will look after those who looks after it? How can we differentiate the bad guys from the good in an age where we rely more on the web for everything except the food we eat?

Fantastic book.I never heard of blockchain before until I finally read it. This book will help you learn and implement blockchain. It is simple and easy to use guide especially for beginners.. Thoughtfully and effectively explains and analyzes the next technological revolution.This is not a technical book on Blockchain or Bitcoin, but it is an excellent summary of the current technology supporting cryptocurrencies and an inspiring collection of ideas for how Blockchain could support a multiplicity of applications, in both the short term and the long run. Great overview of an important world changing technology.An excellent introduction to the issue. Goes thoroughly into the basics, the players, and the issues

I am a total beginner when it comes to understanding the benefit of blockchain. That’s why, I am glad that books like this one has been written. The contents are well organized and I am finding the explanation suitable for those who have less to no knowledge about blockchain. I am thankful to the author since this guide is informatively good. I am totally recommending this to those who are interested in learning about this transaction database.

This is a great piece of technology! But I really had to do an extra research to understand more what this blockchain really does. But the book is really informative and I actually learned a lot. I didn’t know this kind of technology exists not until I found this book. This is really an interesting read.

Interesting! I've never really understood the concept of blockchain until I read this book. I guess it's because the book was written in a concise and straightforward manner, which I always prefer than longer redundant books. I'd definitely recommend this book.

This is a complete guide to blockchains ,role of blockchain technology, how it works, and lastly the advantages of it.I find this term very confusing before and this guide helped me get a bigger picture of it. Short but straightforward!

Blockchain is a pretty straight forward, informative book on this new technology that i have never heard of. The book is pretty short but it's very good and it has a lot of informations on this technology that will make it easier for you to understand it all. Very nicely written.

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