Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: WND Books; First Edition, First Printing edition (September 23, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1938067525
ISBN-13: 978-1938067525
Product Dimensions: 6.3 x 1 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (19 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #30,265 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #1 in Books > Law > Family Law > Marriage #31 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Specific Topics > Political Freedom #40 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Sociology > Marriage & Family
excellent book. what an eye opener it was for me to read this. I then researched what I read and its right on. This book will not only move you, it will also make you want to do something about what you read in your own neighbor. Hard to put down, had to read it twice to get all the golden nuggets out of it. I would strongly recommend this to even young readers.
This was an amazing read. I would highly recommend it to everyone. There is no "one" source, but many causes all with the same goal--the demise of the nuclear family. Phyllis Schlafly has done her homework. She has sited all her sources and they are noted in the back. This book is also indexed.
This is and amazing truthful journey into the history of the American Family and how it was misshaped and distorted by feminist, liberalism the so called politically correct. People who read this book will quickly understand how this downfall has taken place and how roles within the American family unit have been virtually destroyed. It is a good read filled with facts that informs and enlightens the novice and politically astute reader alike.
What everyone should know about Government's and liberal women's role in devaluing the nuclear family: Mom and Dad dedicated to the children, and how this travesty happened and continues to happen.
Phyllis Schlafly zeroes in on the root issue of the decay of the culture of America, as she examines the demise of the american family. She backs up her information with citings and references that substantiates her assertions. A great in depth look at issues that can be fixed provided we as Americans are willing to look at the core issues facing the family today. A can't miss read !
The great Phyllis Schlafly's book advocates marriage, whose absence from contemporary life she sees as driving rising welfare use andsocial pathologies. A lawyer who raised seven children, she believes men get a raw deal in divorce courts, where the father invariably loses custody and is seen as simply a source of income.She blames feminist's for a great deal of society's ills, summing it up as "self fulfillment at all costs." She also accuses feminism of beingbig-time man haters. She said that the elimination of men's college wrestling teams under Title IX -- very inexpensive -- prove that Title IXisn't about funding.Written in 2014, the book is up to date. Some of the book is academic, such as when she relates when the left began it's anti-familyefforts. Its a good book with lots of backup from stats and a definite point-of-view.
Few personalities in politics last for more than five years.Even fewer last for ten.Only a handful go over a score.Phyllis Schlafly has been an active agitator for all things conservative, traditional America, and good since the mid-1940s.Having just turned 90, this is her most personal book yet.It's simple: without the family as the foundation of the community, there is no hope for sustaining America.She writes on p. 49 perhaps the thesis of the book:"The New York Times boasts that “the United States is becoming a post-marital society,” creating “new forms of semi-marriages,” blurring the lines between marriage and cohabitation, and imitating European types of “Marriage Lite.”6 But marriage should not be redefined to mean merely two consenting persons agreeing to share quarters and start applying to the government and to employers for economic benefits. Marriage of a husband and wife should continue to be recognized as the essential unit of a stable society wherein husbands and wives commit to provide for the rearing of their children."
Today, American politics is buried under social problems driven by marriage-absence. This excellent book honestly traverses the thinking, ideas, and grave legislative policy mistakes that made social expenditures the largest line item in the federal budget. Anyone who thinks that feminism is all about equality will be sorely mistaken until they understand the seminal involvement of feminism destroying the equality that naturally occurs between men and women in marriage.This book points to the unavoidable necessity of retooling welfare so it is at least marriage-neutral if not marriage-positive, It proves that no-fault divorce was a disaster -- it must be replaced with a new method that is not caustic, combative, and so expensive that most families end up bankrupt. We see that universities must be reorganized so that feminists do not control campuses and require the teaching of feminist theory in other fields of study.Married women's problems are nothing compared to the array of serious economic, human resource, and other problems that unmarried mothers suffer. Those who care about women and children must focus on reshaping welfare and divorce policy. We cannot accomplish that until everyone understands exactly how marriage was killed. This book sets the stage for a new era of socioeconomic policy that is effect, egalitarian, and free.
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