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Lighting The Way (Southern Grace Book 2)

The author of Sweet Tea and Southern Grace, Glenda Manus, delivers another emotionally charged work of fiction. Lighting The Way is the second novel in the Southern Grace Series, and once again focuses on Rev Rock, the Presbyterian minister in the quaint little town of Park Place, South Carolina and his new bride, Liz. It’s the Christmas season and storefront displays, twinkling Christmas trees and busy shoppers liven up Main Street as the town prepares for its most exciting season of the year. Christmas parades, candle lit street lamps, and children’s Christmas pageants pump up the holiday spirit, but not everyone in town is celebrating. Maria drifts into Park Place trying to escape an abusive husband. Broken in body and spirit, at first her goal is just to survive and protect the baby she’s carrying, but as she’s slowly introduced to the good people of this small Southern town, she comes to believe that kindness and compassion can lead her out of the darkness of her former life. Just as she seems to overcome the obstacles, she’s once again gripped by fear when she spots her husband’s car in town. How did he find her and what will she have to do to protect herself?Rev Rock and his faithful flock of Presbyterians in the little church with a bell tower help make this a Christmas story Maria will never forget.The other quirky characters that the readers have come to know and love from the first novel find themselves weaving in and out of Lighting the Way. Once again, these people will have you chuckling, and sometimes crying right along beside them as their hearts of gold are openly displayed in this well thought out and charming Southern novel.

File Size: 820 KB

Print Length: 298 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: South Ridge Press; 1 edition (October 12, 2014)

Publication Date: October 12, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #72,197 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Holidays > Christmas #39 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Holidays > Christmas #414 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Mystery & Suspense

Could not wait to start reading this book. Equally as great as her first book. Story continues with residents of a small town.Southern and Christian values abound. Characters are lovable and true friends of the reader. Good job GLENDA MANUS

I love this sequel to Sweet Tea and Southern Grace. I started reading it the week before Thanksgiving and finished it in several days. It really put me in the Christmas spirit and I was sad to see it end. I found myself humming Christmas tunes and longing to put my tree up early. I bought several Christmas themed books on my Kindle after, hoping to capture the magic of Lighting the Way and keep me in that marvelous Christmas sprit, but they all failed. I was tempted to re-read it. I so enjoyed reuniting with the characters of Park Place and enjoyed meeting the new ones. This is definitely my favorite of the two books. I'm looking forward the the next one!

Good name for this one. Maria may not have seen the light but the Good Lord sure knew what he was doing!Characters are strong and believable. The setting is one to draw you in like a warm blanket. It becomes a cocoon for a wounded and lost very young lady. Something she would never have experienced without being lead to their loving community! Makes one wonder if they really exist somewhere other than an author's mind and heart.Comforting, easy read . Lovely.

I loved this book and the first one as well. It is so refreshing to read a good clean and yes religious book. I also like the small town friendship and love shared between the inhabitants - just wish all towns and cities could be like that. Storyline is wonderful and Ms. Magnus makes each of the characters come alive and you feel like you know them. I recommend this book to all; it will do your heart good.

I enjoyed this uplifting story. It makes one want to live in a small town and have wonderful people around you. The minister and his wife are certainly perfect examples of goodness of heart. It helps a person realize that being kind and loving toward others, makes oneself feel better. I really liked the first book and looking forward to number three.

Charming and peaceful story of small town life and characters, mostly predictable but generous in giving God the glory for guidance and delivery. In a perfect world, this could be the home town setting and atmosphere we all long for. Recommend you read the first (Sweet Tea ...) first and meet and follow the characters through all three books.

Solid storyline and storytelling make this trilogy well worth reading. I fell in love with the quirky and terribly human residents of Park Place. Rev Rock and his congregation are so appealing. Despite some challenges they continue to give humorous and compassionate glimpses of lives being lived ,faith or lack of it making enormous differences. Pesky Theo the cat continues his less than adorable ways. Read the series and enjoy

THE BEST!!! As I finished Book #1 (Sweet Tea & Southern Grace), I found myself in a quandary. While I wanted to hurry up & read to find out what would happened to these new "friends", I wanted to take it slow because my visit to Park Place was almost over & I didn't want it to end. Thankfully, I was able to get my hands on Book #2...but there again, toward the end, I was again at that same place. Oh, Lighting The Way was so great, I didn't want to put it down! But, I needed to go slow because Book #3 hadn't made its way to paper yet. Hurry, Hurry, Glenda Manus...we're anxiously awaiting Volume #3!!! You're gathering quite a group of fans that LOVE LOVE LOVE our visits to Park Place!!!

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