Paperback: 36 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 3 edition (February 20, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1482544377
ISBN-13: 978-1482544374
Product Dimensions: 8 x 0.1 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (78 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #64,928 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #11 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Safety #18 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Sexuality
Age Range: 4 - 8 years
Grade Level: Preschool - 3
How do we talk to our children about sexual abuse? What can parents and caregivers say to prevent child sexual abuse? In a society that spends more funding dollars on intervention instead of prevention, Diane Hansen, author of Those Are My Private Parts, has found a simple yet ingenious way to answer those questions. Her book is illustrated with child-friendly drawings in primary colors. The text carries short rhythms with great messages. Every educator and caregiver, as well as children's advocacy centers, should have a copy of this book as a tool to empower children.Diane Hansen was spurred to action when she heard a perpetrator of sexual abuse on The Oprah Winfrey Show. The convicted child molester revealed how he had used secret tactics and tricks to coerce children into sex acts. A child molester claimed that it is harder to manipulate children who realize the danger. And the danger does not lie solely with a stranger: 93-95% of victims know the attacker! The sting of betrayal runs deep when a child has been abused by someone he/she had initially trusted. Those Are My Private Parts clearly conveys the message to children that no one has a right to his/her body."Aunts, cousins, step-fathers, step-brothers,Nannies, grannies, Pa-Pas or mothersNever will anyone make me playA private parts game in any way."Experts in the field of child abuse state that sexual abuse is a power and control issue, and sex is used as the weapon. The damaging consequences to a child who has been sexually abused are serious, including suicide attempts as well as drug and alcohol abuse. We have to protect our children! Bravo to Diane Hansen for finding a way to teach children to say, "Those are my private parts!" (Perhaps if I had had a book like this as a child I would not have had to write a story of survival from sexual abuse.)review by Lynn C. Tolson
I bought this book to read to a four year old foster child whose behavior indicated she had been abused. She hung on every word, staring into my face. My 9 yr old became enlightened by it and wound up making a police report against an abuser. She was angry that I hadn't told her what abuse was when she'd first come as a foster child. The thing is that I HAD read her children's books about sexual abuse, but apparently she didn't understand their message. This book is very clear, with its poetic repetition and first person wording "I do not share, No one touches me down there. Those are MY Private Parts!"
I was abused when I was a little girl. The person who did was, as usual, a person trusted by my family. I want my daughter to be aware so she can come and tell me if, God forbid, something near similar happens to her. This book is a good resource to it, the only thing I don't like, it is that the way I understood it, the book tends to demonize or put tabu on your parts. My mom taught me that, although your parts are private, they are a natural part of your body, just like your arms, or legs. When you bath your babies, you, as a parent, treat their parts as another arm, or leg. Only a sick person does otherwise. I don't want my baby to tell me I can not help her finish her bath until she is not ready, only because there is some tabu with her parts. I just want her to tell me: "mommy, I don't need your help anymore because I now am able to clean my parts" just like she would when she is able to wash her arms or legs. The book, the way I understood, does not give some room for parents to do their job when cleaning your little ones. So we are now reading the text telling her that clarification.
As the non-offending parent of a three-year-old who was molested by her biological father, I have tried to find the best materials for my daughter and myself. This book is written in rhyme which children love. It is FUN to the child, but also makes them think. Although I believe it is intended for children who have not been abused, it actually resulted in my daughter "talking" about what her daddy did to her. That is a good thing when you know you are not supposed to ASK the child, or lead them, but yet you are instructed by the "professionals" to seek counseling and to TEACH THEM ABOUT GOOD AND BAD TOUCHES. I HIGHLY recommend this book and truly believe it should be required in daycares and early school years.
Those are MY private parts is exactly what parents and other adults that are concerned about children's well being should be sharing with their kids. The wonderful pictures, riming text and the important message that NO ONE touches your private parts. This is a book I read for my kids regularly and it always opens up discussion. My kids age 4 - 13 and we read it together, like we do other books. I love this book and know that if it had been read to me as a child I would have found a way to speak about the abuse that I suffered for years in my home. I did not know that I could say no to someone touching my private parts! This book has been translated into Icelandic and books sent to every single preschool in the country. I have talked to thousands of concerned parents that have been looking for the right tool to start this delicate conversation, they love this book!! Protecting kids is adults responsibility and that includes to teach appropriate language about body awareness, boundaries and that they can say NO to anybody. Including friends and family. That is much more effective than stranger danger. Over 90% of children abused know the perpetrator. The most important part of reading with your child is the time you spend with your child and the more time we spend with our kids the more likely kids are to share with us their troubles and fears.
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