File Size: 13955 KB
Print Length: 192 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1118958470
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (March 18, 2015)
Publication Date: March 18, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #649,792 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #61 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Data in the Enterprise > Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) #1003 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Networking > Networks, Protocols & API's #2487 in Books > Computers & Technology > Security & Encryption
This is more than just a good book - this is an important book, one that everyone who uses the Internet, email, or social media (and that pretty much means just about everyone alive) should read. Chris Hadnagy and Michele Fincher have done a wonderful job of taking a complex topic and explaining it in an enjoyable and understandable way, using personal anecdotes (and sometimes even humor) to get the point across. In a way, this is a psychology textbook -- one that deals with the psychologies of phishing and of victimhood, and one that teaches readers that if they learn to stop acting and thinking like victims, they're much less likely to become victims. In fact, it really should be a textbook, because in this day and age, it ought to be required reading.
Another extremely useful reference book by Chris Hadnagy and Michele Fincher - the two best known experts in social engineering.SE is the most common way attackers gain access to your data and networks. Every information security professional needs to understand the way that happens and what they can do to combat the threat.This book is very well written, loaded with timely and pertinent examples and a condensed version of the knowledge and experience of the leading experts in thsi subject. A must read for InfoSec practitioners at all levels as well as anyone building an security awareness training program.
The only thing that I did not care for was that it was not long enough. Tons of information that everyone should read and be made aware of before something happens to them. It happened to my father who does not use the computer very much. He got his first laptop a few years ago and I helped him set it up, email, etc... and told him not to fall for the scams. He looked at me like I was crazy. A month later he calls in a panic that his computer locked up and he can’t figure out what is wrong. So I go over there where he finally admits that he clicked on an email that "looked so real" and started entering info. Thank God he did not enter anything too incriminating and after what seemed liked forever we had cleared up his problem. I never fall for it but I have come close several times. I think we all have at one point or another.Great read that I would recommend for anyone which works on a computer in any form which is most of the world. I kept thinking about what my Dad said to me while I was reading the book..."but it seemed so real......”
The book is written at a very introductory level giving the basic details of what a phish is, the mental stimulus behind a phishing email in order for it to work, the levels of emails, how to create a program, policy, tools, etc. I believe it did a fine job at being able to explain the inevitable phishing emails for any reader. Executives, analysts, and non-technical people could all learn something from this book.Some of the examples were out there and kind of made the idea obscure. I would suggest the read for anyone who wants to learn the introductory point of phishing and how to educate yourself and your users
Chris Hadnagy is simply the go-to, credible expert on social engineering. This book, like his others, is worth more than the cost. I rarely give reviews, and I'm a harsh critic -- so factor that into the 5-star rating.
The authors' experience in social enginnering, training and writing shine a compelling light on internet criminals, how they manipulate us, and how we can protect ourselves. I bought the book as part of a research project for work, and enjoyed it so much I read it through without stopping. How rare is that? Interesting, even entertaining, and full of insight, it focused scattered thoughts about social engineering (manipulation) which anyone with an email account has seen, and offered common-sense reaction and training advice to avoid this increasing crime epidemic. I will be referencing this book often. Well done!
Phishing Dark Waters is a great book to assist you in starting / improving your Security Awareness Program. I enjoyed how Chris and Michele brought real world examples to lite. I've attended both classes and lectures given by Chris and Michele and as I was reading the book I could look back and reference discussions and issues that were discussed.This is a must have for anyone in Cyber Security as well as anyone building a Security Awareness Program.
I happen to buy this book at a conference that Mr Hadnagy was speaking at. This book is wonderful, even better than wonderful it is outstanding. I am currently using this book to help build a training class for my end users on phishing. It contains a lot of useful information. I recommend this book for everyone in IT's library.
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