File Size: 871 KB
Print Length: 264 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (December 20, 2001)
Publication Date: February 9, 2009
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B0026OR344
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #845,563 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #212 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Networking > Client-Server Systems #245 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > XML #628 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Data in the Enterprise > Client-Server Systems
This book was a disappointment. I got thrown into an XML/SOAP project and had to get up to speed in short order. After struggling on my own for a while I bought this book hoping it would have lots of meat on actually using SOAP::Lite, but it had pretty thin coverage.I did like the big-picture overview of the various technologies, but it was not very helpful in writing an actual SOAP client to talk to a third party's SOAP server. Considering that the author of SOAP::Lite also wrote this book, it seems to me that there could have been a whole chapter on SOAP::Lite from the client view.This will stay on my shelf as a reference, but for getting up to speed rapidly on actually writing a SOAP client, it was a bust.
I usually give preference to O'Reilly's books when looking to purchase a book on a certain programming technology. O'Reilly is generally ahead of the pack in terms of writing style, author's reputation, and knowledge of the subject. Unfortunately, I have little to no confidence in the knowledge of the authors in this book just from reading and trying out the introductory examples on SOAP::Lite in PERL. It starts off with the trivial "Hello World" example of writing a SOAP server and a client. The authors didn't even get this one right! Already threre are errata submitted for this example on the site. I couldn't believe it! I mean, if you cannot get the "Hello World" example right, then what confidence do I have in the authors of presenting something more complex?
If you are new to SOAP and you want to get the overall picture, and you don't care for details, this is the book you need.If you need a reference guide, this is not the book you want.If you're looking for a book about SOAP on a particular platform (say Java), this is not the book you need.
This book would have been a great oportunity to get to the core to provide agood set of examples of SOAP application development. Unfortunately it shows how hard is to get functionality of a SOAP app fromthree differnt languages. It is a messy affair. One gets excited at the begining to see simple Perl implementations but then it starts with the Java mess and that other language... There are too many XML snippets thrown around without a careful presentation of the big picture. People who write on SOAP get all excited about the XML representation of the protol and forget completely that it is the programing API that counts: XML is not for human consumtion unless it is less than 10 lines long!!!!The UDDI and WSDL stuff, forget it. It is easier to go and fetch examples from the web.I hope the authors reconsider their approach and produce a reallyreally revised second edition including better overview the protocol (less on long XML listings) and sections on when does it make sense to use SOAP. So far this one is not a good one.
This book is a good candidate for the city dump. This, in my experience, the book is one of the worst O'Reilly books and should have never been published! Sloppy examples riddled with errors. Why, the eratta page on the O'Reilly web site appears to be written by a reader. The ony correction I found in the "Official" errata was a mis-spelled author name. I'm setting fire to my copy as soon as I submit this review!
Again, another bad book about Web Services. I was hoping that the O'Reilly version of programming with SOAP would be usable, but unfortunately, it's not.There is only 174 pages of real information, and a lot is code. There is 70 pages of appendices, which is roughly 1/4 of the book. Any topics are so vaguely described that you still don't understand anything about programming with SOAP.I got this book because it deals with Apache SOAP, something that I'm personally interested in, however a lot of the published stuff is almost taken straight from the documentation. Reading Apache's sparse documentation and going through their examples is probably a much better value that trying to go through this book.The book also tries to deal with Perl, SOAP, and .NET programming. So for every example, he reiterates the same sample in 3 different forms, which is a waste of space. Because he splits his efforts amongst these three languages, his information is spread extremely thin.There's not a lot of information that is given in this book, and I would avoid is entirely. Basically, it's [not worth it].
Hi I'm the one who wants to learn how to build cool apps with SOAP. To be honest, this book is not that practical. It certainly explains the overview, but in terms of developing a real application, I don't think this is useful.It should have focused on only 1.) what is SOAP, 2.) how it works 3.) how to write code.It tries to cover more broad, vague topic Web Services, which is more or less overview, as it is not ready for prime time.How to use SOAP API should be not that difficult to understand, but what each SOAP envelope's xml tag syntax means are most important to me. It's so complex and this book doesn't explain clearly, which makes this book less valuable.Looking forward to next improved edition.
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