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The End Of Business As Usual: Rewire The Way You Work To Succeed In The Consumer Revolution

It's a new era of business and consumerism—and you play a role in defining it Today's biggest trends—the mobile web, social media, real-time—have produced a new consumer landscape. The End of Business As Usual explores this complex information revolution, how it has changed the future of business, media, and culture, and what you can do about it. "To be successful in business, you need to see what others don't. Start with this book. Someone's going to do it, why not you?" —Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks and Chairman of HDNet "Innovation has always changed the business landscape. People expect to access information anywhere, anytime, and on any device. Collaborative, cloud, and video technologies are leading this change. As Mr. Solis correctly writes, companies have to lead this change, not follow." —John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems, Inc. "Winning the hearts and minds of customers with new media experiences will turn them into your most valuable sales force. Solis's book is the map to unleash this treasure." —Peter Guber, author of Tell to Win: Connect, Persuade, and Triumph with the Hidden Power of Story "Your customers will share their experiences both good and bad. Now that everyone is connected, it's amplified and incredibly influential. This book will help you rethink your vision and mission to survive in a new era of digital Darwinism." —Mark Burnett, Television Executive Producer

Hardcover: 320 pages

Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (October 18, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1118077555

ISBN-13: 978-1118077559

Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 1.1 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (52 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #785,886 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #117 in Books > Computers & Technology > Web Development & Design > User Generated Content #333 in Books > Computers & Technology > Business Technology > Social Media for Business #564 in Books > Computers & Technology > Internet & Social Media > Social Media

It is fairly unusual for me to take a week to read a book, but the new book by Brian Solis is one of those books you need to take nice and slow to get all the nuances in it. I think personally that this is Brian Solis at his best, this is him at his peak performance, and as his skill as a writer. The book is that good, with very good stories and homilies to help sink home what he is saying. In many ways social media has transformed us all into highly connected people, with quality online relationships, and new ways of getting information into the hands of consumers.I like the way that people are broken out into various types, from passive people who consume but take no action, to spammers, observers, trolls, and the perpetually whiny that live with us every day. The internet is a macrocosm of who we are as a society. If anything we are building the very first universal global society with its own culture, standards and morality. Everyone is invited in, people, companies, government, military, and the occasional passerby. Brian captures that in all its detail, with guide posts and road maps to how these work, and how these fail. The birth of the first global society tied together in all its functions and all its glory is going to be an interesting birth, and we are fortunate enough to be here at this time, helping, hindering, and changing to accommodate the growth and formation of that society.There are so many things that stand out about this book from my own personal observation of the classroom and my students, to the interactions I see at large gatherings of people that this book was easy enough to bring home and make comparisons to my own real and online life.

Having just begun my Masters in Integrated Marketing at New York University, I decided to purchase this book to complement my existing coursework in the program. Businesses are constantly evolving, and the ones that are long lived are those that are sensitive to their environment, as they managed to react in a timely fashion and respond to the conditions of society around them. How do companies respond to social media, the mobile web and new media all around us in this digital era? How do C Level Executives incorporate social media into their organization?This is what Brian Solis does best throughout his book. He breaks down the most complex concepts to the simplest ideas for you to understand. Brian takes you through a journey on how the internet in the digital age has changed the culture of consumerism and the way information is processed and exchanged. As Brian says in one of his chapters, "Brands Are No Longer Created, They're Co-Created". The entire world is now on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blogs etc. and it's about time companies understand the significant change of behavior and use these findings to their advantage. In this book, Brian helps us to understand the behavior patterns that are emerging from the new generation of consumers and where the social and mobile web is headed.This book took me some time to read and digest due to its rich and detailed content. However the real life stories and current business examples (Zappos, Virgin America, Starbucks. etc) makes the time spent on the book even more worth while as they are relevant and forward thinking.

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