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It's Perfectly Normal (The Family Library)

The definitive book about puberty and sexual health for today’s kids and teens, now fully updated for its twentieth anniversary. For two decades, this universally acclaimed book on sexuality has been the most trusted and accessible resource for kids, parents, teachers, librarians, and anyone else who cares about the well-being of tweens and teens. Now, in honor of its anniversary, It’s Perfectly Normal has been updated with current and correct information on subjects such as safe and savvy Internet use, gender identity, emergency contraception, and more. Providing accurate and up-to-date answers to nearly every imaginable question, from conception and puberty to birth control and STDs, It’s Perfectly Normal offers young people the information they need — now more than ever — to make responsible decisions and stay healthy.

File Size: 14611 KB

Print Length: 112 pages

Publisher: Candlewick; 20 Anv New edition (September 9, 2014)

Publication Date: September 9, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


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Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #69,002 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Fitness #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Exercise & Fitness > For Children #7 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Exercise & Fitness > Pregnancy

I realize people find discussing sex and reproduction controversial, but this is a great book for educating on sex and reproductive health and related topics. The content is presented without bias to sexual orientation, politics, or religion. Puberty, masturbation, other types of sex, pregnancy, relationships, and other topics are well discussed from the side of both genders. It does clearly state that abstinence is the most effective way to prevent pregnancy and STD's, and stresses that the decision to become sexually active should be a conscious and deliberate one by a responsible person. Contraception is covered thoroughly and topics such as abortion, miscarriage, adoption, LGBT, are explained in an objective manner. Book does a good job at explaining what appropriate and consensual contact is with other people. Something that I thought was a very good inclusion in the this edition was conduct on phones, texting, computers, digital media, etc., and the potential consequences of misusing them. Overall, I can't really think of anything specific this book is missing. The illustrations are appropriate but they are direct which I guess some people find disturbing. They are by no means gratuitous nor are they anything resembling pornography.Depending on your views as a parent or caregiver, the age suggestion of 10 and up may be higher or lower than what you think is appropriate, but it's pretty reasonable considering what most kids have learned on the playground by 10 years old. If you believing in educating earlier, this book should be perfectly fine for whenever you want to discuss it. The language and overall tone is still something that younger children can understand.This book is almost identical to It's So Amazing by the same publisher.

I am a mental health counselor and I work with children, teens and families. I love this series of books!!! I have bought so many copies and lent/given them out to friends and clients. Talking to children about bodies, sex and sexuality can be intimidating. Most parents aren't really sure where to start or when to start talking about these issues. Harris's series of age appropriate books takes the guess work out of family sex education.It is extremely important to educate your children on topics of healthy sexuality, bodies and families. Believe it or not, you are probably more nervous about talking to your children about sex than they are. They can handle the truth. Seriously. Just follow along with the book and take a matter of fact sort of attitude when reading together. Allow children to ask questions and do your best to give accurate answers. Children will learn that its ok to have questions and to talk to their parents about these issues.Favorite things about the series:1. Age appropriate books allow parents to start educating their children early! I have seen many families try to provide too little information too late. By the time a child is reaching puberty, they have likely heard inaccurate information about sex from media or other children at school. Adolescents are also much more likely to get embarrassed when their parents try to talk with them about these issues. 4 year olds, and even 10 year olds are unlikely to be embarrassed. They will follow along with the fun cartoons and simple straight forward text and pictures.I have found that older children have also benefited from being exposed to these books.It's a little more difficult with older children who express embarrassment. Try to stay calm and matter of fact to make them more comfortable.

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