Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Maker Media, Inc; 1 edition (December 12, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1449334180
ISBN-13: 978-1449334185
Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 8.2 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (58 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #23,275 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #1 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Electronics > Transistors #3 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Electronics > Solid State #6 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Electronics > Semiconductors
We finally got this book after it sat pre-ordered in our cart for a year and a half! Check out the extensive preview in the product description to see if it is what you are looking for. Platt gives a very good description of the purpose of the book when he writes that "...this is a reference book, not a tutorial.," and explains that each entry is made to stand on its own so information may be repeated in other sections. He also states that it is "oriented toward practicality rather than theory."Typical chapters include sections telling you (with words, diagrams, and photos): "What it Does" "Symbol Variants" (diagrams showing different schematic symbols used)"How it Works""How to Use it""Variants" (Similar components and also if it comes in surface-mount, etc)"Values" (Numbers associated with it such as amp rating, etc.)"What Can Go Wrong" (Things you might screw up when working with the component. Very helpful!)Some entries also have information telling you the pros and cons to using one component over another.We use the book as an educational source for me (Non-Science degree) and as a refresher for my husband (Electrical Engineering degree) and it helps us to figure out the best components to use in our own electronics projects. Lots of pictures and figures to reference.Excellent reference book and I will again be waiting for the third book! I used to poke fun at all the people who would moan about George R.R. Martin doing anything except finishing his series, but I had to check myself when I had thoughts of doing a Google Alert for this author to make sure he was still writing books!
I just love paging thru it reading about all of the electronic components, how they work, and some simple circuts with them as examples. If you are a fixer or tinkerer and aren't strong in electronics or electrical theory, then do yourself a favor and buy this 3 volume set. Wiring a power transistor incorrectly makes for a loud noise and things flashing! If you consider yourself a Maker, then you need this!
I have almost all of the Charles Platt books available and I do like reading them. They are relatively concise and very "colorful" in respect to easy to read glossy pictures. The diagrams in his books are excellent too. I just notice in his writing that sometimes he uses the super intelligent wording that is way above my IQ. I also use the "For Dummie series" to go along with his series so I can match up words to better understand in laymans terms. Overall his books are really good, and I imagine he tries his best to write them for both common people and college people.
As informative as Vol 1, now moving more into integrated chips, digital and microprocessors. Outstand illustrations relatively wellpositioned to associated text; an all too rare felicity in electronic texts.
As an aspiring electrical engineer these books have been an unbelievable asset. I have been absolutely blown away by some of the electrical components that are defined in this series. Quite literally I have never heard of some of these parts. The knowledge that this series has available is easily beyond the scope of almost any other book on engineering I have ever read. The parts defined in this book will prove invaluable in the future and I hope to learn more in the future from Mr. Platt and co.
If you are a beginner, a hobbyist, or just someone who is interested in learning about different electrical components, you will absolutely enjoy this series. In this book, you will find that it provides the most essential information as to what a particular component is, how it is used, and what to expect from it. It is extremely easy to look up any component within the realm of the volume. Instead of having to go to a computer or potable device each time, I find it much easier to go to this book first. Being that this book is one of many volumes it's very easy to flip through its pages, and if you wish, write notes for yourself inside as well. Upon purchase, you will be amazed at just how much useful information there is for each component in each volume. This is volume 2 of an ongoing series. You don't need to buy all the volumes, but I'm a firm believer in such reference books that if you need something from one volume, you'll definitely need something from the others as well. I purchased volumes 1 & 2 at the same time, I just wish that volume 3 would had been available at the same time, but I can appreciate that there is always information being added too. I highly recommend this book series!
HII ordered the book before it was released and was told it would arrive on 24 Dec, I had my doubts that it would arrive before Christmas, but to my surprise it arrived on the 23 Dec, that was fantastic. I now have Vol 1 and 2 and looking forward to viewing Vol 3 when it is released. They are great books very pleased with them. I will be looking forward to buying more books from you in the future, the service is great and prices are good, the freight is a bit expensive but we can't have everything, can we?Good products, good service, keep up the good work.RegardsRoger Sayers (Australia)
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