Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: HarperCollins Español (February 18, 2003)
Language: Spanish
ISBN-10: 0060513020
ISBN-13: 978-0060513023
Product Dimensions: 9.4 x 0.3 x 12.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (32 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #93,286 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5 in Books > Libros en español > Salud, mente y cuerpo > Ejercicio y Suficiencia FÃsica #17 in Books > Libros en español > Infantil y juvenil > Ciencia, Naturaleza y Como Funciona #21 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Fitness
Age Range: 4 - 8 years
Grade Level: Preschool - 3
This book is excellent! We use it in our Spanish classes and the students love to "move" like the animals in the book. It's a great tool for teaching about the parts of the body and animals.Deborah, Lessons From Abroad
De la cabeza a los pies has the same advantages for children learning Spanish as a second language as the English version has for English language learners. The text is both brief and comprehensible due to the illustrations, and it's also interactive as it invites listeners to participate in the body actions. Native Spanish speakers also enjoy the opportunity to get all their body parts moving.
I bought this book for my 3.5 old brother at the time and he absolutely loved it and still does!! I bought it last year and we still read it all the time at bed time. My brother is growing up bilinguial, so I'm always concerned in adding things in spanish daily since everything that he is normally surrounded by is in english. I'm also concerned about the content since not all books that are sold in spanish are grammatically correct, but this one happens to be.It teaches children the parts of the body and what they can do, while at the same time teaching them different animals in spanish and also asking them to imitate. Ex: Soy un gorilla y golpeo mi pecho. Puedes hacerlo tu tambien?.. I am a gorrila and I can pound my chest, can you do it as well?.I think is really cute and love the vivid colors in the drawings. I most definitely highly recommend this book!!!!
my son loves this book. he loves doing all the things the animals do. however, it is a very big book and it's not a board book. so the pages are very difficult for my toddler to turn. plus we had to actually keep the book away from him for awhile because he wants to tear the pages. only recently he learned to not tear the pages in books, but i still have to supervise him with this book because he can rip the pages accidentally since it's so big and awkward for him to manage. i wish i would have noticed it wasn't a board book when i bought it. that said, my son does love love love having this book read to him.
Kids will love this book, just be prepared as the reader that you will not be able to just sit on the couch and read this book, you will have to get moving! I also love the size of this particular version that I bought (big). / Muy lindo cuento. Incluye muchos movimientos que les va a gustar a los niños. ¡Prepárese para moverse mucho!
Our 13 month old loves this book:* The translation is good. The book is about a series movements from head to toe, each paired with an animal. The first movement is the head, side to side, paired with a penguin. That's 2 nouns and a verb* Reading out loud and showing the baby the movement is fun. She is beginning to imitate the movements. She enjoys books that incorporate movement or sound-making* Large size, easy to read. We love large size books since they are easier to read and to be delighted by the illustrations. The first time, it was a bit difficult to set up flat on a book stand, but now we stand in front of it to read it and move to the book's instructions* Unfortunately, it is not our preferred format (lap-sized boardbook), this version is PAPERBACK. So we are careful. Since the baby loves this book so much, it has a few creases
One of my favorite books to read my munchkin at bed time. We love all Eric Carle books and this one is no exception. Great illustrations and easy to follow along. She loves to do what each animal can do.
Seriously, I love him.This book helps teach body parts and animals. Do the actions as you read! My 2y/o thinks I'm crazy, and he mostly only raises his shoulders like the buffalo, but he thinks it's hilarious and makes me read the book a lot.We also have the book in English, and I was very happy to find the book in both languages. My son has both Spanish and American family, and is being raised bilingual. I love that I have books like these that I can read in English and then in Spanish to help me understand the Spanish.
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