Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: WaterBrook Press (October 5, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0307457117
ISBN-13: 978-0307457110
Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 1 x 9.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (108 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #479,089 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #481 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Death & Grief #6361 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Spiritual Growth #104001 in Books > Religion & Spirituality
When the Hurt Runs Deep: Healing and Hope for Life's Desperate MomentsWhen the Hurt Runs Deep by Kay ArthurWe live in a world where no one is exempt from pain and hurt. Sometimes in the midst of great pain we are tempted to blame God or think that He has forgotten us. Our minds struggle to figure out why God would permit such suffering. We have a choice. We can hold on to the pain in bitterness and unforgiveness or we can apply God's truth and find lasting healing. The principles and Bible studies that Kay Arthur shares in When the Hurt Runs Deep give practical examples that readers can apply in their circumstances.Kay Arthur shares twelve healing truths to remember when we are in the midst of our pain. Most of her truths are based on an understanding of the true nature of God. That God is sovereign and loves us. If pain is permitted in our lives, God will use that pain to help us grow. He will never permit any pain that is not beneficial to our lives. At times God permits pain to bring us to the end of ourselves, so that we turn to Him to help us.Through Biblical studies of the lives of Job, Joseph, David, and Paul, Kay Arthur shows us how God uses pain and suffering to help His children grow and put them in places where they can be of benefit to God's Kingdom. If we think God doesn't understand our pain, she shares how Jesus felt every kind of shame, rejection, hurt and pain that we experience. Kay also shares testimony from her life and the struggles and testimonies of others to encourage the reader to understand God's healing.
This book was given to review by Waterbrook/Multnomah Press, Blogging for Books.Noted Bible teacher and Precepts Ministries founder Kay Arthur has written a thought provoking and biblically based work entitled When the Hurt Runs Deep. This book takes a look what it means to suffer, the questions we have we enduring trials, and how the Bible offers answers to our deepest concerns. One of the great aspects of this book was the Healing Truth sections throughout the chapters. This little nuggets of truth distill some key foundational stones which every Christian can hold onto in times of distress. On p.94 the Healing Truth section says, "Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you have done, there is hope because there is God. He is a God of hope, redemption is his business." These truths are expounded in the text throughout each chapter.Secondly, I thought that Kay opened herself up to allow the reader understand that she has been down the road of disappointment before. She tells of her first marriage ending in divorce and the "devastating experience" that was for her and her family (28). Yet, she uses these experiences as a way to relate how God used those times of great grief to bring her to saving faith. Kay goes through the Scriptures in this book to bring the reader great comfort in knowing that the Scripture are full of men and women who knew pain, who walked through the sorrow of defeat and hopelessness. Yet, Kay's message in this book is that hope is not lost, that at the foot of the cross Jesus has dealt with our suffering through his and he is able and willing to strengthen us in our time of great need.
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