Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Multnomah (May 3, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1601423489
ISBN-13: 978-1601423481
Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.6 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (275 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #12,394 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #3 in Books > Teens > Social Issues > Dating & Intimacy #13 in Books > Self-Help > Relationships > Mate Seeking #39 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Dating & Relationships
Every time I drive Grammy home, she asks me the same question, "Have you met a boy yet?" Each time I answer, "No,Grammy." Then she replies, "Have you prayed about it?" My response is, "Put it on your prayer list." Although her intentions are sweet, it still weighs on my heart. I'm thirty-one and single. I wasted six years dating the wrong guy and another two getting over him, and I gave up hope that God has a man for me. Because I lost hope, I quit praying for him like I used to do when I was in high school or college. If I prayed back then without receiving an answer, why should now be any different? When I requested the book Praying for your Future Husband to review, I expected the book to be geared towards high school or even college-age girls. I thought it would be an interesting read that I could give to a teen girl at church. I wasn't expecting to have my hope restored. Each chapter of the book discusses a specific prayer. In the chapter, both Robin and Tricia share their vastly different stories, scriptures, and anecdotes from women across the country. At the end of the chapter, there are questions and space to answer. What is intriguing is that there is also a prayer for the single woman. Women often make lists of what they want in a husband (I did back in high school--God lover being the number one trait.), but we sometimes forget to pray for God to make us into a woman after His own heart, a woman who is prepared to be a wife. This book is unique in that Robin and Tricia have different stories to share. Robin began praying for her husband and writing letters to him at a young age. Tricia was a teen mom.
I grew up on Robin Jones Gunn's "Christy Miller" series, and later read her "Sierra Jensen" series. I dreamed of having the same adventures as Christy Miller, and of one day finding my own Todd (Christy's wonderful Christian boyfriend). I always admired the way Robin uplifted the character qualities of godliness, patience, and steadfastness throughout her books.Reading Praying for Your Future Husband brought the themes in Robin's books full circle for me. Robin writes about her own love story. Co-author Tricia Goyer writes about her own as well. Both women prayed for their future husbands before meeting them, and both loved and lost several boyfriends. I found myself relating to both women's stories. Robin related how her fiance broke up with her 6 months into their engagement - her wedding dress in the closet, church paid for, invitations about to go out. I too had this happen to me. I could relate to her depression, bitterness, and distrust in the months following her broken engagement. I had been there. I could also relate to Tricia's stories of wanting to be accepted and loved by someone.This book is not a manual for how to get a husband. It is not a guide for how to pray in the right way so God will "finally" hear your prayers. I feel the subtitle of the book says it all: "Preparing Your Heart for His." Not just the heart of your future husband, but the heart of Christ. Robin and Tricia talk about how praying for another person not only affects the person being prayed for, but the person praying. For when you pray for the qualities of patience, steadfastness, and godliness in your future mate, you realize how much you also need those traits. Praying also brings you closer to God's heart - the most important trait to have, whether you get married or not.
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