File Size: 166 KB
Print Length: 64 pages
Publisher: Fortress Press; 50 Anv Rep edition (October 1, 2010)
Publication Date: November 16, 2012
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #179,218 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #62 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Politics & Social Sciences > Social Sciences > Sociology > Death #79 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Death & Grief #166 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 90 minutes (44-64 pages) > Parenting & Relationships
My 20-year-old son and only child was killed in an automobile accident 11-2-99. So, my husband and I as well as many family and friends are still grieving. A good friend sent me this book during the holidays, but I just read it recently. I was amazed at how the author so simply, in only a few words, captures the essence of grieving--not only grieving for one who has died but other grieving events such as divorce, losing a job, etc. I think the book helped me most understand what my husband is experiencing because I think we are in different stages of grieving. I feel that I can better understand some of his behavior now after reading this book. I plan to share this powerful book with others, especially young people who are having an especially difficult time accepting my son's sudden death.
I was introducted to this small book when my daughter died last year. Although there is not much anyone can say at a time like that a few concise, and meaningful words have a way of causing reflection later. This book does just that. Understanding my grief is a lot of the problem with the loss. It helped.
This book was given to me by a dear friend 1 1/2 years ago after the loss of my mother. At that time I could not understand the depths that this book explores the process of loss. It takes a very simple approach to a very complex problem and comes out letting you know the emotions that you feel are normal and that you will survive. At times I felt that this book was my string to sanity. I have since made it an effort to give copies of this book to friends that have or are going through the process so that they may be comforted in some small way.
GOOD GRIEF is written in simple, down to earth, wisdom. It shares how painful and inwardly revealing the experience of living through grief can be. Granger Westberg takes the reader into the heart and soul of loss and reminds us just how sacred our human relationships really are. -- Samuel Oliver, author of, WHAT THE DYING TEACH US: LESSONS ON LIVING.
I slip this small book in with a sympathy card when a member of the church I serve loses a loved one. Yesterday a woman who had just lost her brother told me she wished she had had the book 8 years ago, when her husband died. Several people have described standing at the mailbox and reading the book, forgetting all else in the comfort of finding that their feelings are normal and to be expected. I have also shared it with a woman dealing with the accident that left her son a paraplegic, and the widow who was facing living alone for the first time in her life with her daughter's upcoming marriage. It has been a comfort and help to them all. I highly recommend the book to anyone experiencing grief.
This is the best book on the market about grief. In the past I have ordered these in bulk to have on hand to give to friends, family members, ministers, and or any one who is going through a grieving period. It is simple, easy to read, spiritual, concise, a quick read, and gives one a sense of peace. I cannot say enough about this useful and helpful book. It was given to me years ago when I had lost a loved one unexpectedly. It was answered prayer for me and it is not surprising that the book has been around for more than 50 years.
This is an extremely useful resource for anyone going through the grieving process. About three years ago, my daughter, who was twenty-two at the time, learned that a junior high school friend of hers had died. She was terribly distraught over this friend's death. Who wouldn't be at that tender age?It was about a four hour drive to attend the funeral. On the way, I gave my daughter a copy of "Good Grief." It took her less than an hour to read. By the time she finished reading this little book, I could tell that she finally understood why she felt the way she did and was now ready to cope with those feelings.At $4.99 per book, it's not going to break the bank. These are wonderful resources to put in the sympathy cards that you send. "Good Grief" offers a straight forward and common sense approach to handling and understanding the emotional turmoil that losing a loved one causes in life. It's worth the read. It's worth giving to those that you love and those that are hurting.
Good Grief by Granger E. Westberg is a book that is cheap ... and short (64 pages) which I was able to read in one afternoon. It is packed with good information. Pages 24 and 24:::Even though a person does come out of the initial shock, he will undoubtedly experience times in the succeeding days and months when the unreality of the loss comes over him again. Every now and then he will say,"I just can't believe it has happened. Intellectually I know it did happen, but I guess I just have not really accepted it emotionally." For all of us the biggest hurdle is "accepting it emotionally."This is what I am dealing with sometimes even after 11 months of living through the completed suicide of my fiance, Bob. I accept it on one point but sometimes it hits me temporarily for a few moments and it is hard to accept. The online web sites help too -,,, and online support groups and SOS in person meetings.Ann in Nashville
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