Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Charisma House (June 3, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1621365441
ISBN-13: 978-1621365440
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (70 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #75,284 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #61 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > Occult & Paranormal > Parapsychology > Near-Death Experiences #82 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Death & Grief #532 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Religious
I bought this book based on the recommendation of a friend. I ordered a print version, but after reading a sample, couldn't wait and because I purchased the print version, was able to download the Kindle version for $2.99. The book is very well written, an easy read and an awesome testimony. There are descriptions of his trip to Heaven, in particular the description of prayers going "up" that have help to deepen my faith, and strengthen my own walk with the Lord. I have already ordered several copies for friends, including a close relative who was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. She has strong faith, but I know this book will be a blessing and comfort to her. I urge everyone to read this book!
Vest was participating in a rodeo when he fell off his horse. He was dead. Fellow cowboys did CPR continuously for the forty five minutes it took for the ambulance to arrive.Vest shares his childhood in a Christian home and how his dream to be a cowboy was birthed. He tells how he veered from the straight and narrow and his return to God. He also reveals the spiritual lessons he learned.His experience while physically dead is unlike most others I've read. He didn't see any angels or loved ones but he did see a representation of the prayers of believers. He experienced love from Jesus that was so real he thought of nothing else.Vest says dying was the easiest thing he's ever done. It was the shock of being alive again that was hard.He writes, "being in heaven with Jesus is an intensely private experience - so private it almost seemed off limits for conversation." (93) He asked God for guidance on what to do with his experience. He realized God would give him the appropriate message each time. He knows he has something of eternal value to share with others.He completes is book by looking at what Scripture says about heaven and other topics and what that means for our Christian lives.This is not a book for people who want the latest description of what it is like in heaven. Rather, this book is for those who need reassuring that heaven is more real than anything we can imagine. It's a good book for any Christian who fears death. It would be a good book to give to someone who has lost a loved one (providing that person was a Christian). It would also be a good book to give to an unsaved friend as the eternal importance of faith in Jesus comes across clearly.I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
I loved this book. My Mother has end stage lung cancer, and I have grieved so much. I am a born again Christian, I believe in Eternity with Jesus Christ. Not because I've done anything to be worthy, but because My Savior loved me so much that he died for me. I'm not afraid to die. BUT... for some reason, I grieve so much when I lose a loved one. Also, watching my own parents going thru what they are, it has just so burdened my heart. When I read this book, it was like I just "let go" of all that. I have so much peace now. I plan on keeping this book close by, I am also ordering a copy for my parents, and my children, not to mention a couple of my friends who have recently undergone some serious loss.Freddy Vest, thank you for this beautiful testimony. What a precious heart you have, for hurting people.You truly know what it means, to be "the hands and feet of Jesus"Pam
Freddy's profound story of his experience of dying and going to Heaven is written beautifully. The story is autobiographical in order for the reader to understand the idea (and Freddy reiterates this many times in the book) that he is not a theologian or a religion fanatic. This book was written for all audiences--Christian and non-Christian--and his personal accounts of his own life experiences are included for the reader to understand his weaknesses and strengths as a human being, and how this plays into the "miracle" of him being chosen for this experience. I love the fact that every chapter, and most pages within them, are reinforced by Words from God--Scripture. It is obvious that Freddy's experience gave him a whole new perspective on life here on earth, and it has given me one, too. Thank you Freddy for being obedient to God and sharing this beautiful story!
Absolutely loved this book. If you want to know more about how and why to become a Christian, this book will lead you to the door and all you have to do is open it. The book flowed with such easy that it was so hard to put it down. If you have someone in your life who is afraid of death, they need to read this book. If you have someone in your life who is terminally ill, they need to read this book. It will be a great gift for anyone!!!!
I so enjoyed readying this! Scripture is scattered throughout this book supporting the story. This should be shared with all, especially those who have lost loved ones or are experiencing any terminal illness. Obviously it should be shared with those who do not have the hope of Jesus as Savior of their lives. Great job Freddy! I'd highly recommend this book!
Amazing book to say the least. This book taught me something new in each chapter along with giving me verses to reflect on. I felt it touch every aspect of my life. It showed me that we have all failed.. And no matter how many times you fail God is right there to pick you up. Every saint has sinned and God will never leave you nor forsake you even when you feel like you don't deserve his love. It reassured me that our home is not here on earth but in Heaven with our Heavenly Father. Great book for some who has lost a loved one or who is diagnosed with a terminal illness.
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