File Size: 4441 KB
Print Length: 202 pages
Publisher: MachMedia NV (November 16, 2010)
Publication Date: November 16, 2010
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #590,672 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #271 in Books > Computers & Technology > Computer Science > Information Theory #2805 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Internet, Groupware, & Telecommunications #4227 in Books > Computers & Technology > Internet & Social Media
Peter Hinssen does a fantastic job explaining in plain english what the next era of technology will look like and how it will affect companies and individuals. He calls this "the new normal" referring to what will be the rules of the game in about a few years from now when it relates to the use of digital information, systems and tools.Starting from explaining the limits of the evolution of things like price, patience or privacy (related to technology and digitalization of information) he lays on the rules of the new normal to then engage in what will be the right customer and information strategies in that future era. In the final part of the book, Hinssen describes organizations, innovation and technology strategies in the new normal, giving good advice on the things to focus and change in order to adapt successfully to it.The book is an excellent mix of common sense, future vision and technology awareness that has taught me some good ideas that I try to apply in my daily work with customers, advising where and how technology evolves and what IT and R&D departments must do to lead with value and not be left behind by the emerging trends.I do recommend the book to everyone working in the tech world, whether you're in the IT/R&D department of a company or you are part of a vendor/SP/Tech Consulting firm that advices customers on IT solutions. Even if you're not a tech-lover, you'll for sure enjoy a view to the future and will find you smiling with some of the examples Hinssen gives to illustrate his points.
I am fortunate to work for a company that very recently brought Peter Hinssen in as a keynote speaker to kick off our worldwide user conference. Twenty minutes into his presentation I purchased the Kindle edition of this book from and read it that evening. Peter delivers a very powerful message in a frank, uncomplicated and entertaining way. You will certainly think differently about what the future might hold for us after reading this book. As stated earlier, Peter is also a very accomplished speaker on this subject. I highly recommend attending a presentation of his if you can, you will not be disappointed.
I am an unabashed fan of Peter Hinssen's first book, "Business/IT Fusion", so I already had high expectations going in to this new book. My expectations were not only met; they were actually exceeded.While "Business/IT Fusion" was targeted primarily at CIOs looking to improve their relevancy to the business and their CEO, this book is aimed squarely at CEOs looking to better understand how to leverage technology to enable innovation in a world where being digital has become the new normal.The book's fundamental premise is that we are halfway through the digital revolution. The author's contention is that the first half was mostly about the technology itself. Having entered the second half of the revolution, it's no longer about the technology. Now it's about being clever with technology.Peter's writing style is highly engaging and his insights are spot on. He takes what might otherwise be a dry and esoteric discussion on technology and turns it in to an engaging conversation about how to lead your organization toward a bright future filled with technology-enabled innovation.Terrific insights for those of us living life at the intersection of business and technology. Highly recommended!
I saw Peter recently at our senior management held in Jemeppe. The best ever presentation I've ever attended woke up my interest in The New Normal. And I experienced the same feelings again when reading The New Normal. Fresh and provoking thoughts about the changes we are experiencing. It is difficult for a person above 50 to swallow everything at the moment of reading it but I must admit that "I have woin my mind and have become very interested in "The New Normal". Thank you Peter!
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