Series: Illustrated
Paperback: 472 pages
Publisher: Cengage Learning; 1 edition (August 22, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1285093119
ISBN-13: 978-1285093116
Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.4 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (7 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #290,516 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #69 in Books > Computers & Technology > Software > Microsoft > Microsoft Word #86 in Books > Computers & Technology > Software > Word Processing #338 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Graphics & Visualization
I purchased this book as a required textbook for a college course. I've used MS Word for over a decade, and took the course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist exam. I learned a lot about features that I didn't know existed, and I was able to apply what I learned right away in my job. The book is broken into units (aka chapters), and each unit has several topics. The topics are broken down into components that can be covered on one page. There is text on the left page, and illustrations on the right page. The text consists of steps to perform. (There is a large library of files to download to use with the text and practice problems.) There is a summary on the top of each text page about what you will be doing on the page. However, the steps tell you what to do, and don't tell you what you are expecting to accomplish. In some cases, there will be a sentence after the step indicating what should have happened (i.e. the word enterprise is bolded) but many times the summary says something like "the changes are applied" and in other cases, the summary indicates what you will need to do in the next step. I would have found the text much more useful if it said, to bold the word enterprise, do this... That would have let me know what to expect, and would have made the text useful as a reference guide. There are tips and tricks thrown in, but they are not highlighted in the summaries at the top of the page, nor referenced in the index. At the end of each unit, there are several practice assignments. One reviews all the material covered in the unit, in order, which is a good way to review what was covered.
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