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Vietnamese Food: Chicken Noodle Soup & Sandwiches (aka Pho & Banh Mi) - Recipes For People Who Love To Eat

This book will focus on two special Vietnamese foods: Chicken noodle soup and Sandwiches(aka Phở and Bánh Mì). This will be an interesting food adventure where you are going to learn about the origin of these two dishes, how to make them on your own, and some culture facts behind them. We believe that after reading this book, you will want to wear an apron and try to cook these two sumptuous delights right away.Lam said that his mother told him a lot about Vietnam and Vietnamese culinary culture when he was a little boy. She said that when she was young and the Vietnam War was happening, having a bow of chicken noodle soup to eat was already a great happiness. After many years, she still regarded it to be the best dish she had ever tasted in her life. No other dishes could compare with it. Thus, when Lam first came in Hanoi, he immediately found a Vietnamese restaurant and tried the noodle. At that moment, he could understand somewhat of his mother’s words. Vietnamese cuisine, in particular, chicken noodle soup has an irresistible attraction that could not be found in other countries’ food around the world. In order to find the best recipe for this wonderful dish, Lam has resolved to discover it, even if he had to go to every corner of this country.

File Size: 1856 KB

Print Length: 38 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: R.K Lam (July 6, 2015)

Publication Date: July 6, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B0115MBD70

Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #674,091 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #27 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Regional & International > Asian > Vietnamese #65 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Asian Cooking > Vietnamese #207 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Meals > Breakfast

#The goodThe focus of this book is the recipes of Pho and Banhmi. I have never eaten those 2 dishes but as I know, they are the most famous cuisine in Vietnam. The table of content is clear and it brings me to the exactly places where I need to go – the recipes. About Pho, I think it’s impossible for me to buy rice noodle in my area so I decided to make it by myself. This book helped me a lot with a clear step-by-step guide. The rest of making Pho process was much easier for me. And about Banhmi, I can easily buy the baguettes at a supermarket and the inside ingredients are not a problem at all. However, I will try to make baguettes when I have more free time because I think they are the most delicate and unique things in Vietnamese sandwiches. I have to admit that I’m not a good cook or may be bad sometimes, but if I can do those 2 dishes, there are no reasons for you to give up.#The badThe first weakness point is lack of images. I think the author should put images for each steps to make them easier. The making baguettes part has so many steps but no images and it make me confused. I think if I have more free time, I will read it more carefully and I believe I can make some tasty baguettes and of course, Banhmi.Another weakness point is this book has some misspelling words. I think it’s acceptable because the author is a French, so he has some problems with his language and English. I hope he will write more carefully in his next books.#The beautyThere are just 3 things that I can find in this book: Vietnamese foods, Pho and Banhmi. That’s enough for me because I don’t like anything that too complicated or confusing like… a wizard book. However, this cookbook isn’t only have recipes but it also have some Vietnamese cuisine culture parts.

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