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Print Length: 1032 pages
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Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 3 edition (June 10, 2013)
Publication Date: June 10, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #247,164 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #16 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > APIs & Operating Environments > Unix #60 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Operating Systems > Unix #119 in Books > Computers & Technology > Operating Systems > Unix
In 1992, W. Richard Stevens wrote Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment (APUE), published in 1993 by Addison-Wesley. The original edition was revised in 2005 by Stephen A. Rago to more accurately reflect the landscape of UNIX and UNIX-like systems. In 2013, Rago wrote an updated 3rd edition upon which this review is based.APUE is targeted at readers with a working knowledge of UNIX and C. It includes chapter long examples of real-world applications, and manages to simultaneously serve as an enlightening tutorial and a valuable reference book.Few technical authors have had such a great impact on the geek community as Rich Stevens, and because of this, any review of his books should include a few words about the man himself. Stevens' work typically tops any "recommended reading" list when it comes to TCP/IP networking or UNIX programming. Stevens passed away on September 1st, 1999. In addition to APUE, he authored UNIX Network Programming (Volume 1: APIs and Volume 2: IPC) and TCP/IP Illustrated (Volume 1: Protocols, Volume 2: Implementation, and Volume 3: TCP/T, HTTP, NNTP, Unix Domain Protocols.) Stevens was posthumously awarded the USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award for his extraordinarily lucid teaching and generous spirit within the community, which was accepted on his behalf by his wife and children.Stephen A. Rago, who accepted the daunting task of revising Stevens' APUE, worked at Bell Laboratories as a UNIX SVR4 developer. His first contact with Rich Stevens was an e-mail regarding a typographical error in Stevens' first book, UNIX Network Programming. Stevens later acted as a technical reviewer for Rago's UNIX System V Network Programming.
Good gracious this is a big book! What's funny is I KNOW I have read and reviewed a previous edition of this book and I spent a half an hour looking for it this morning, but it must have been before I moved and on my old Blog. That being the case, well it's high time you heard about this monster!This book, Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment, by Stevens and Rago, is the 3rd edition of what is, essentially, the Unix Programming Bible. In fact, so much so that I cannot imagine any serious Unix/Linux/**ux contributor that doesn't own a copy or at least know what it is.This is *not* light reading. It is a reference book. This is the stuff geek dreams are coded in and you are going to want to be familiar with the C language to get a lot of this.All the internal workings and ideas about this kind of operating system, how it works, or is supposed to work and code examples are included here. The least technical chapter in here is the 1st, which is the overview chapter. This goes over things like input/output, files/directories, processes, error handling, and system calls. From there, the chapters narrow in more on specific subjects like Process control, Daemons, Signals, Threading, etc.. Like I said, there is a LOT of very specific information in here. That being said, if you are developing anything more than some scripting, this has what you want to know. This is not to say that those are the only folks that can get anything out of this book, though. Even without understanding the code examples, a person could get a good understanding and overview of how this fantastic type of operating system works, and why. This is the category I find myself in more than any other.
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