File Size: 7559 KB
Print Length: 336 pages
Publisher: Sybex; 1 edition (April 28, 2009)
Publication Date: April 28, 2009
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #753,552 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #358 in Books > Computers & Technology > Internet & Social Media > E-Commerce #528 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Network Administration > Storage & Retrieval #552 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Web Site Design
When I first saw that this book was coming to light I had mixed feelings. On one hand, I was hunger for more testing knowledge, both theoretical and practical. On the other hand, I am always apprehensive when books talk about tools. However, the book impressed me as a comprehensive guide to Online Testing. And when I read the following (p.18), I was sure the book is what the market needs:"The important thing to keep in mind is that the Google Website Optimizer is a tool. (...)It cannot do your thinking for you. It cannot plan your tests. It cannot produce the creative. It cannot interpret your results beyond demonstrating numerical significance and confidence. These things are up to you. If you want the tests you run on the Google Website Optimizer to be meaningful and to provide the intelligence you need to make well informed marketing decisions, then this is the book you need."The authors cover very thoroughly the Why, the What, and the How of Online Testing. All you need to know from the value of testing to how should you get started. The examples are very enriching and illustrate the power of testing and the bottom line: Testing = $$$.Part I covers the Why; the authors delve on the power of testing and provide some amazing examples of it (including a masterpiece on 's testing efforts). In addition they walk us through the Google Website Optimizer and provide powerful tips on the tool.Part II covers the What and the How; the chapters are structured in a very actionable way: "Questions to ask", "Exercises", "What to test", and "Apply this to your site". As you read you can implement the tips instantly. A few examples of what to test are: usability, look & feel, searchability, product presentation, up-sell/cross-sell......
If you are managing a lead generation or ecommerce website you must read this book.After reading "don't make me think" I honestly did not believe anotherbook related to web design could have as much value or impact onsomeone 10+ years of web experience. I expected A/B Testing to be abasic instructional manual on how to use Google Website Optimizer so Ididn't bother to buy it. Lucky for me I attended the SES conferencewhere Bryan Eisenberg was giving away free copies. Our company, BlastAdvanced Media, has since taken our testing and objectivity of ourwebsite optimization to a level where we are achieving much highermicro and macro conversion rates for our clients.Some of my favorite aspects which provided much more value than expected are:-Persuasive Copywriting-Understanding what to test-Whats in it for me-Unique Value Proposition-The Buying Decision-Categorization-Purchasing-Customer Focused Language-Great examples such as Categorization, Trust, Reviews, Up-sell-Breakdown of questions to ask, what to test and how to apply the many testing examples to your siteIn one recent test, we used the principles learned from the book such as persuasion architecture to setup a test in only an hour that increased lead generation on a high volume ecommerce site by 51% (greatly exceeding the test hypothesis of a 15% increase). Other ecommerce optimization tests are on track to deliver six to seven figure annual revenue increases. So the return on investment from the ten copies we have purchased has been so high that we feel guilty. Thanks Bryan! Of course, this is why we wanted to show our thanks by writing this review.
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