Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Manning Publications; 1 edition (July 25, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1617291331
ISBN-13: 978-1617291333
Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 0.5 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 2.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (18 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #229,172 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #31 in Books > Computers & Technology > Internet & Social Media > Web Browsers #196 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Web Programming > JavaScript #374 in Books > Computers & Technology > Web Development & Design > Web Design
I bought this book with high expectations, because it is from Manning Publications, my favorite publisher of technical books. However, I am really gravely disappointed, for the following reasons:1) This book tries to be the perfect blend of theory and practical examples. Well, I am afraid it is neither. The theory covered by this book is really rudimentary, and nothing you couldn't learn by reading AngularJS online documentation and tutorial. The practical examples take HUGE leaps from the theories. The minute you stop being a casual reader and try to start a little project, you will find you have nothing practical, other than an impressive AngularJS vocabulary. For example, the book spends an entire chapter on "structuring your AngularJS application" (10 pages out of a mere 156 pages), arguing over specifics of many different practices. That interests nobody outside of the Ivory Tower. I would be far more interested in how to separate my JS files into different directories and then have Angular "glues" them back together when you boot the application! (I figured it out after some Googling.)2) I expected a book with a solid "project example", which it will show you how to build, step by step. I expected to read the book and then build a small project from scratch. Well, this book does not offer me that. The web is FULL of disconnected examples on AngularJS. And the AngularJS team does a FANTASTIC job documenting its various concepts. Many developers like myself just want a book with cohesive examples and a step-by-step guide, so that you can read it over a couple of weeks and then start a project. If that is what you want, this is not the book.
I've generally been a longtime fan of the "in Action" books, but this book was something of a mixed bag. I'll start off by going over the things I did like .Firstly, while building out the examples the author took time to describe some various best practices, such as how to organize code, This is helpful and often absent in many technical books.The material also used non-trivial examples, it's nice to see an illustration of a complex real world app. Often examples I see online describe only simplistic implementations like a "ToDo List" .I also found interesting the discussion on external but compatible technologies such as firebase (which is a simpler way of getting server-side persistence rather than setting up a traditional LAMP server).I was happy to see an emphasis on testing, which again is sometimes a missing topic on other resources.Overall I thought the book did a reasonable job of describing the architecture of AngularJS and how the all the various pieces join together.I have a server-side MVC background so I was familiar with the basic patterns involved (although AngularJS works a little bit differently from standard MVC). The book did walk through the various features available such as services, directives, expressions etc. The text left me impressed with the power and flexibility of the AngularJS language. It seems AngularJS can match blow for blow with many of the features on server side MVC frameworks I've worked on.Moving along to the Issues :I had a hard time following along with the construction of the angello app that was built step-by-step in the book. The initial chapters made sense but I got lost in the chapter on drag-n-drop animations.
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