Hardcover: 168 pages
Publisher: Down East Books (November 7, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1608932575
ISBN-13: 978-1608932573
Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 0.6 x 11.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (16 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #200,102 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #14 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Antiques & Collectibles > Performing Arts #33 in Books > Literature & Fiction > History & Criticism > Books & Reading > History of Books #40 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Antiques & Collectibles > Americana
Disappointing.Had I known it was just a re-release of "100 years of Oz" with a chapter relating to "Wicked" tacked on, I would certainly have thought twice about making this purchaseI also find it odd that although there was a huge amount of merchandise produced at the time of the 50th Anniversary (ranging from dolls & figurines to greeting/postcards there is still no reference made to this period, either pictorially or written.Despite this, had I no prior knowledge of the previous publication, this would certainly be a worthwhile purchase. It would certainly recommend it for those newer fansm wanting to explore Oz's reach in popular culture beyond the film, but not so much to those already familiar with it.
A great book from one of my favorite authors of the subjects The Wizard of Oz and Judy Garland. Mr. Fricke is an expert of both of these subjects and his books never disappoint me. The are always informative without being dry, and entertaining while staying on topic.I would highly recommend this book to any Oz fan.
Any Oz fan or film collector will really appreciate this book. It's very well written and really goes into the entire history of Oz and the Oz phenomenon. John freaky is very knowledgeable about Oz and Garland, he's an expert on both, and his work is accessible both for those who know very little about the subject and those who know a great deal. All in all, it is a fascinating book and I recommend it to you
As tasty as a lick from lollipop is this marvelous history of the land of Oz, its creator, and its lastingly legacy. John Fricke does a marvelous and even wonderful job threading the influence of L. Frank Baum's classic book through the decades, uncovering every Fred Stone and every Wicked adaptation of this most-beloved American Fairy Tale. All with pictures galore of all kinds of Oz memorabilia.
How does John Fricke do it - always coming up with more to say about and photos to share about our favorite story and movie The Wizard of Oz. A must for the serious and not so serious collector! (Written by Anita's Oz Collector, Bill.)
John Fricke's latest book is on Oz, which makes sense since his last book was on Judy Garland following a pattern he has set in the last few years with books on the two subjects he knows best: Oz and Garland, beginning with The Wizard of Oz: The Official 50th Anniversary Pictorial History (1989) followed in succession by Judy Garland: World's Greatest Entertainer (1997); 100 Years of Oz: A Century of Classic Images from The Wizard of Oz Collection of Willard Carroll (1999); Judy Garland: A Portrait in Art & Anecdote (2003); The Wizard of Oz: An Illustrated Companion to the Timeless Movie Classic (co-authored with Jonathan Shirshekan, 2009); Judy: A Legendary Film Career (2011); and now The Wonderful World of Oz: An Illustrated History of the American Classic (2013). This current book is similar to 100 Years of Oz, in that it is virtually a catalog of Willard Carroll's and Tom Wilhite's incredible collection of Oz memorabilia (one of the largest in the world) much of which is now on view in their recently opened museum in Camden, Maine, including such rare items from the 1939 film as the Wicked Witch's Hourglass, the Lollipop Kid, Jerry Maren's costume, an apron tested but not worn by Garland and a blouse she wore during the first two weeks of filming.But it isn't just the book's marvelous pictures of Carroll's and Wilhite's collection since added to that is Fricke's wonderfully illuminating text covering a nearly complete history of the Oz phenomenon: the books (even foreign editions), the films, the stage productions and L. Frank Baum himself. And it couldn't be more up-to-date,including as it does, a poster of the Broadway musical, "Wicked" (now celebrating its 10th anniversary), one of the new graphic novel treatments of the Oz books by Eric Shanower and Skottie Young and memorabilia from the latest Oz film, "Oz the Great and Powerful" (2013). For all you Oz fans, be you collectors or not, this book is an absolute "must have."David Moyer
The Wonderful World of Oz is a beautiful hard covered book filled with everything imaginable that has been created as keepsakes for L. Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz." John Fricke (a cherished friend) has been called "The Royal Historian Of Oz" and believe me it is true. Here you will find EVERYTHING that has been marketed for the Baum Franchise going all the way back to the first book. The beloved 1939 Movie is covered with special care since so much is out there related to the film. John Fricke has been called The Best Judy Garland Biographer and I have a half dozen or so of his books to prove it! This one is ALL OZ and plenty of it. It even mentions "Oz the Great and Powerful" with stills and posters. Everything a collector would want you will find in these pages AND everything OZ is going to skyrocket in price in 2039! I have promised my entire collection to my Nephew, Grand Nieces and Grand Nephew. This book shows me a lot of things that I WOULD like to own to pass on to the next generation. Highly Recommended for any Oz fan.
Been waiting for it to come out and well worth the wait on this Oz Book lots of Oz infor
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