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Adobe FrameMaker 7.0 Classroom In A Book

Adobe FrameMaker has long been the software of choice for technical documentation and large-scale document publishing because of its versatility and ability to handle the entire publishing process--from word processing and page layout to electronic distribution. Now, with the introduction of version 7.0, the popular publishing program has gone even further to accommodate businesses' growing need for multi-format publishing by adding the ability to automatically reformat the same document for delivery in a number of formats, including Web pages, Acrobat print files, Palm handheld devices, and more. And that's just the beginning: Adobe's official Classroom in a Book training series guides you through all of the program's features, tools, and techniques--both old and new--using hands-on projects and end-of-chapter review questions to make sure the newly acquired knowledge sticks! If you're a beginner, you'll want to read the book from cover to cover for a start-to-finish explanation of how it all works; all of you FrameMaker experts can skip right to the information you need. From the basics (such as character and paragraph formatting) to more advanced tasks (like cross-referencing text and creating indexes)--Adobe FrameMaker 7.0 Classroom in a Book covers it all.

Paperback: 504 pages

Publisher: Adobe Press (August 24, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0321131681

ISBN-13: 978-0321131683

Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 0.9 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds

Average Customer Review: 2.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (16 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,888,419 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #9 in Books > Computers & Technology > Digital Audio, Video & Photography > Adobe > Adobe FrameMaker #535 in Books > Computers & Technology > Graphics & Design > Electronic Documents #1000 in Books > Arts & Photography > Graphic Design > Typography

As an experienced user of FrameMaker I was disappointed both in the lack of truly informative information about FrameMaker 7's new structured document features, as well as the obviousness of the extent to which the book and the corresponding lessons had not been proofread or usability-tested. That's not to say that Classroom in a Book ("CIAB") for FrameMaker 7 is entirely useless: If you don't know anything about the basic features of FrameMaker such as formatting pages, creating paragraph and character styles, setting up TOCs and Indexes, using Conditional Text, and so on, then the version 7 CIAB retains that useful and well prepared content from the earlier versions 5.5 and 6 CIABs. (This also means that you may be able to learn basic FrameMaker without buying the version 7 CIAB, since the essential changes between the basic operation of version 5.5 and versions 6 or 7 are in the operation of the FrameMaker book window). In the end it's obvious, even saddening, that Adobe couldn't do better than this feeble and poorly edited effort for version 7 of FrameMaker, particularly the product's new structured documents features. Shame on you Adobe -- show some pride!In the time since I first posted this review Adobe has evidently announced that it will be re-releasing an updated version of this book. Check [the Adobe Web Site], especially the FrameMaker forum on the Adobe Web site for more details.

I purchased this book with the intent to have a basic knowledge of FrameMaker prior to attending formal, instructor-led training. This book has MULTIPLE errors. The software that is included and must be used for the lessons must have been created by someone that never saw the book. How can Adobe release a product with such poor quality control and so many mistakes. Do Not purchase this book unless you have nothing better to do with your time other than getting frustrated.

For someone trying to learn Framemaker, this book fails from the very start. The first format instruction (Heading 1) does not work (it is inserted into the body, not into the margin). The text supposed to be in colour is black. The character catalog illustrated is not what appears, actually omitting the one that the text says should be inserted. All this happens by page 28. (I was forced by the system to give this book 1 star, but it deserves none.)

If Adobe actually used FrameMaker 7.0 to prepare this book, then the stock values of their competitors should have gone up significantly. The lessons are poorly designed, and contain fonts and formats that are not native to FrameMaker nor their instructional CD. The actual instructions in the lessons are poorly written. Adobe Creative Team, please have someone other than your own team members try out your lessons before you publish another book. Perhaps you folks are just a little bit too "creative" compared to the rest of us who are still trying to learn to use this tool.I give this book -5 stars.

I don't know why all these reviewers hate the book. Granted the instructions to install the fonts were wrong and sometimes the fonts the lessons require aren't there, but I can live with that. The instructions are right and the lessons work. Yes I wish it was in color, but I can live with B&W too. I've done eleven lessons and have enjoyed the book very much. I love the power of FrameMaker and think the book is good. I think Adobe/Peachpit press has gotten its act together since these reviews were written. The book is worth getting now.

The disk that accompanies the book is inaccurate. It made doing the lessons very confusing. I finally had to contact Adobe Press to find out why the lessons and the sample files didn't work as mentioned in the book. They said the disk had errors, they would send me a replacement. But I'm still waiting... it has been over two week since they said they would send a replacement.And of course like the series of books of the Classroom in a book... it isn't very detailed especially on authoring structured FrameMaker.

I bought this book expecting to learn structured FrameMaker. I was disappointed that with such a major addtion to Frame 6, only 15% of the book (74 pages)covered Structured FrameMaker.I do have to say that, the rest of the book is very good and gives some good examples of how to perform some advanced formatting features. But, like I said, if your looking to learn Structured FrameMaker, this is not the book for you.

Unless you get excited about not knowing where your actual data resides, how to back it up to protect your investment and you love crashing your computer and living in a fog...under no circumstances should you buy the e-book (download) version of Adobe FrameMaker 7.0 Classroom in a Book. I would also suggest never attempting to install the Adobe E-Book reader on your computer. It is far from a mature and useful product.

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