File Size: 22149 KB
Print Length: 342 pages
Publisher: Packt Publishing (August 21, 2013)
Publication Date: August 21, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1782162259
ISBN-13: 978-1782162254
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #610,454 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #155 in Books > Computers & Technology > Business Technology > Software > Project Management Software #216 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Programming > Software Design > Software Project Management #414 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Network Administration > Storage & Retrieval
Pentaho 5.0 Reporting By ExamplePACKT PublishingWriters: Mariano García Mattío, Dario R. BernabeuPaperback: 342 pagesLink to the book page: [...]Pentaho Report Designer is the best open source tool for creating reports. It is integrated within the Pentaho BI suite and covers all the necessary functions in a reporting tool.This book explains simply and with several examples how you may create a report following a series of steps, no previous knowledge is required.There are other more advanced books as [...]As a general recommendation and for all chapters, I would add a new tip called such "advance trick" where reference is made to some more advanced features. It will always be useful for the user to keep in mind if you handle this case in the future.* Chapter 1: What is Pentaho Report DesignerThis chapter navigates through the history of PRD and the different types of reports that we usually find in a company. The Pentaho BI suite provides some examples of such reports and therefore build it is a simple task.*Chapter 2: Installation and ConfigurationIn this chapter would be mentions obtaining web PRD and the steps needed to make it work (java drivers to connect to the database). It is also recommended to allocate more memory to the Java JVM for better performance. The DB to be used for the examples are also indicated.This chapter should clearly indicate the folders to put the drivers to our DB connection that we will use in PRD. It would be important to note where they go these libraries also located in the Pentaho BI Server.
Book Title: Pentaho 5.0 Reporting by Example: Beginner’s GuideAuthors: Mariano García Mattío, Dario R. BernabeuPaperback: 329 pagesI like this book because if you are a noob in Pentaho Reporting you will gain a lot of knowledge of this excellent tool, besides if you are advanced with PRD you can use it as reference book.The best of this book is that uses Pentaho 5 recent released version and shows how to publish and interacting with reports created with Report Designer 5 into the new Business Analytics server.You should read this book because you will learn all details of this awesome tool. Maybe you have created reports using PRD but after reading this book you will improve your reporting skills.Rating: 8 out of 10Pentaho 5Chapter ListChapter 1 – What is Pentaho Report Designer?In this chapter it is explained what is Pentaho Report Designer and some examples of typical reports are listed: Transactional Reporting, Tactical Reporting, Strategic Reporting, and Helper Reporting. Besides it is interesting to learn about the different versions of PRD along history.Chapter 2 – Installation and ConfigurationThis chapters shows us how to download, install, and configure Pentaho Reporting Designer new version 5.0. Maybe it is not funny but this chapter is useful for beginners.Chapter 3 – Start PRD and the User Interface (UI) LayoutIn this chapter you will learn how to start PRD in different operating systems. Different areas of its UI are displayed too.
A few weeks ago, Pentaho released the new version of its products (both CE and commercial). The latest version, currently 5.0, is accompanied by the latest developer tools. As it is usual, each new major release means new features. For example, the new version focus on better user interface and support for Big Data.We have a new version of Pentaho Reporting as well. This tool helps to create professional reports with graphics, formulas, subreports, and so on.If you want to master this tool you have several options: (1) mastering the tool yourself by trial and error (and / or searching information in forums), (2) training (through a certified partner or not) or (3) using a book.That brings me to the topic I want to speak about in this post. Packt Publishing has given me the opportunity to review the new book for Pentaho Reporting which name is “Pentaho Reporting 5.0 by Example Beginner’s Guide”. This books provides a detailed overview of using Pentaho Report Designer by examples.The book starts with the usual suspects: What is Pentaho Reporting and Pentaho Reporting Designer (PRD), which are the main components of PRD and the evolution of Pentaho Reporting since 2002. Nothing additional for a the daily Pentaho developer, but it is still interesting for a newcomer.Why this book may be still interesting for you? If you are a Pentaho developer the initial chapters are not new. Chapter 2 is about the installation of PRD, Chapter 3 is about the user interface and Chapter 4 is about your first report. So probably you are going to skip them.The interesting part starts with Chapter 5. Even if you are a regular developer, it is easy to forget some features or the proper way to do things.
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