File Size: 1474 KB
Print Length: 310 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (April 16, 2009)
Publication Date: April 16, 2009
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #732,580 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #185 in Books > Computers & Technology > Internet & Social Media > Web Browsers #534 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Web Site Design #1450 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Science > Technology > General & Reference
An equally great book if you are new to XMPP, or if you are an architect or a developer who has been previously exposed to the technology. Placing myself in the latter camp (worked on an asynchronous XMPP Ruby client), I found this book to be very useful for filling in the technical gaps. While the XMPP spec is a well written one, it is still hardly an enjoyable read. The authors did a great job between balancing the technical details and adopting an informal style which allows them to compress the specification into easily digestible chapters (they give you the basics, you're free to read the full spec).The book covers all the major components: overall architecture, handshake, presence protocol, multi-user chat, data transfers, security, etc. If you're thinking about adopting XMPP, you should pick up a copy.
This is a great book for someone wanting to get a grip on XMPP. It covers from the basics all the way to recent additions to the protocol. It does help if you already have some introductory knowledge of what XMPP is about, but I think it would be suitable for complete newbies as well. The chapters are short and each one covers a specific aspect of the protocol -- so you don't necessarily have to read the book from beginning to end. The book is written in a very informal style, almost making it a light read, while immersing you in a lot of information.
This helped me gain a greater understanding of the jabber protocol. The first 4 chapters are more than enough to get you on your way to implement an instant messaging client provided you have a descent XMPP library handy.After reading only the first 4 chapters, I was able to implements an IM client using Strophejs.This book rocks and worth your money.This may be the only XMPP book you will need on your shelve.
As another reviewer pointed out, XMPP specs are no fun to read.This book walks you step-by-step through all aspects of Jabber/XMPP protocol, from the most basic concepts (what the heck it is and how *you* can benefit from it) to the most advanced concepts, with plenty of examples.Please note that this is *not* a programming guide, nor is it a high-level overview like the ones you can read in a Wikipedia article. It's somewhere in between: very detailed so that software developers will find it extremely useful, and yet simple enough so that a non-geek will find it useful, too.In my opinion, who can benefit from reading this book?- business analysts;- project managers;- IT directors/managers;- software developers (regardless of the technologies they are using);- and of course, any enthusiast of instant messaging and real-time communication software.The book is written by the leading experts (really!.. Every book claims this, but in this case it's actually true!).I've been a big fan of Jabber/XMPP for a few years now, and I created two business applications which use XMPP as the core technology. Believe me when I say this: at the time of this writing (2010), you can't find a better source of up-to-date information about Jabber than this book, and no one knows this technology better than these three guys.Bottom line: if you want to learn more about Jabber (XMPP), get this book.
I've been quite interested in XMPP for a while, and have even written some XMPP apps to learn. However, I hadn't ever actually sat down and learned the underpinnings of these libraries I was using. This book explained in a great detail how XMPP works. I read through it, creating examples as I went. I now feel confident that I grok XMPP enough to create my own protocols and extensions, as well as follow along and implement someone else's protocols.I read the book cover to cover, so it was easy to follow along. The book wasn't too technical, but I've already used it as a reference book twice, so it's technical enough that it can be kept around on a desk to be referred back to.
This book couldn't come at a better time with the explosion of XMPP and the real-time web. All of the core technologies needed to explore and take advantage of XMPP in real world use-cases is covered and covered very well.The book comes with realistic example code that is easy to work thru and is also a very good quick-refresh reference to some of the more obscure parts of XMPP.A must have for any web and/or application developer IMO
Have you ever read reams of technical documentation and still been left confused and asking the question: What is the big idea here that holds it all together?This book is a surprisingly pleasant read. It does an outstanding job of not only describing very clearly the "Big Idea" of XMPP/Jabber but it does so with great examples.With this book at your side,- you'll understand the major concepts of XMPP/Jabber- you'll have "recipes" from the examples to develop your own code- you'll be able to navigate the rest of the technical documentation of XMPP/Jabber with confidence.Think of it as your XMPP/Jabber development homepage!
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