File Size: 558 KB
Print Length: 201 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0988666502
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Bycko Press; 2 edition (July 11, 2013)
Publication Date: July 11, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #467,820 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #302 in Books > Computers & Technology > Business Technology > Social Media for Business #513 in Books > Computers & Technology > Internet & Social Media > Social Media #557 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Marketing & Sales > Advertising
I've read this book cover-to-cover and have found Donna's guide to be the best book on writing LinkedIn profiles out there. And I have read them all. This is the book I use it in my work with clients and the only one I recommend people buy to help them write their LinkedIn profile. Comprehensive, easy to follow, with terrific instructions and so many great examples. You will definitely achieve your objectives and improve your profile if you follow Donna's advice.
There's no denying that social networking is as important to professional success as in-person networking has always been, and that LinkedIn has emerged as THE online social networking tool for job seekers, business development professionals and anyone else whose success depends upon a strong personal brand.Donna Serdula's book, LinkedIn Makeover, provides all of the instructions and know-how to make a stunning LinkedIn profile. Her writing is clear, crisp and entertaining. It's an easy read, and provides simple-to-understand instructions. From Donna, I've learned that one's LinkedIn profile must be loaded with keywords so that people searching for you can find you. Views of my newly-optimized LinkedIn profile have tripled, and because of Donna's advice, I have been able to make connections with people who are now my mentors, esteemed colleagues and even potential clients.I'm in my second reading of the book now and still picking up tips and tricks that will not only get my profile noticed, but help me improve my skills in this new world of social networking. Thank you, Donna, for making it easy to understand.
Having a professional LinkedIn profile is a must for anyone looking to leverage the power of social media to expand their network and make new connections. Donna Serdula is a recognized leader in the LinkedIn community and the second edition of her book, LinkedIn Makeover, does not dissappoint. When I read her first book, I was quickly able to use her advice to update my profile and tweak it so that it was not just a carbon copy of someone else's profile, but it suited my needs. The second edition of her book is filled with even more great advice on ways to hone your LinkedIn profile to ensure that it stands out when it is viewed, but also tips and tricks to make sure that your profile gets viewed by the right people by turning up in the right searches. This book is priceless for anyone who wants to create a standout LinkedIn profile!
This is a fantastic guide! I always heard how powerful LinkedIn can but had no clue how to use it properly. Having read this guide, I've realised that if you're not utilising the full potential of LinkedIn it's almost not worth having a profile. Donna's guide is really easy to follow, well laid out and simple to implement. I now have many more people viewing my profile, sending me messages and wanting to connect. I have been recommending this guide to all my colleagues and friends. It's awesome!
Using this book, in a few hours I turned my LinkedIn profile from adequate to terrific. The book is packed with tips and things I didn't know about LinkedIn. The results of my LinkedIn makeover were immediate and long lasting.
Excellent book; easy to follow & written like she is actually talking to you explaining each topic. Very good for busy people; easy to start and complete one task and come back to the book when time allows to do the next step.
Don't look any further - this is the real thing! Took a course on and spent big bucks on a 325 page LinkedIn book from Barnes and Noble. Both only talked about the mechanics. Donna's book tells you how to set up and manage your profile, along with getting more connections and exposure. Allowed me to get up and running within a day after years of procrastinating. Connections have been rolling in! If you hook up with her website, there is tons more along with an email alert. Recommending this book to everyone...thanks Donna!
I really appreciated the easy to follow structure and step by step instructions. I recommend reading it once through then again inputting the information into your profile. Sample wording is also helpful.
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