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JQuery: Novice To Ninja: Novice To Ninja

jQuery: Novice to Ninja, 2nd Edition is the perfect book to jump-start your journey into jQuery. You’ll learn all the basics, so you’ll be able to truly appreciate the power of this JavaScript framework. Then you’ll move on to more advanced techniques, such as plugin development and the creation of almost every conceivable UI widget.A practical, hands-on guide to using jQueryReady-to-use best practice solutionsIncludes complete working code Fully updated for jQuery 1.6

File Size: 3100 KB

Print Length: 480 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: SitePoint; 2 edition (February 16, 2012)

Publication Date: February 1, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #682,550 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #171 in Books > Computers & Technology > Internet & Social Media > Web Browsers #490 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Web Site Design #820 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Web Programming > JavaScript

I originally purchased the 1st version of this book, and decided to buy the 2nd version for the updated content. I hardly ever buy a newer version of the same book, so that should tell you how good this book is. Before reading this book I knew nothing about jQuery and by the time I was finished I felt very comfortable with it, and I was able to make some pretty significant enhancements to various websites.This book covers all the key topics, but the best part of this book is that it's written in a way which is easy to understand - it's not so technical and boring that you'll fall asleep after reading 2 pages. I wish more books were written like this! There are some good real-world examples in this book as well. Highly recommended!

I read the first edition twice. I've since read this newest edition once. There is so much info packed into this book, and so many real world examples, it's impossible to take everything in with only a single read.I've also read the Missing Manual Javascript and jQuery title which I highly recommend, as well as a couple of jQuery/Wordpress books. Out of all these, despite the fact it is a Sitepoint book, I'd say this book is the most comprehensive of all the guides I've read. There were a couple of glitches in some examples, particularly a missing parameter in every use of the on() method, which was strange. But overall, great book.

Pretty good book on the whole, I'm really learning a lot. The examples are nice and concise and are focused on the topic at hand without a lot of extraneous material. One problem with the Kindle version: the links don't show the address. I don't actually want to connect to the link from my Kindle, I've got my computer right in front of me because, hey, I'm actually doing the examples, so I'd rather type it in there where I can actually read the page it links to (most of the linked pages aren't mobile ready yet). Also, some of the links are way too general. I never did find any errata page - the link is to the sitepoint forums, which is like saying "you can buy this book on " and just providing a link to the home page.

Going through the book still, but it's written in a way that's easy to understand.One thing though...I noticed one example that WILL NOT WORK with newer versions of jQuery. When you get to the part in chapter 3 where you click the paragraph and it's supposed to increase and decrease in height, it works fine with 1.7.1 but does not work properly with newer versions of jQuery.Here's the script I'm speaking of...$(document).ready(function(){ $('p:first').toggle(function() { $(this).animate( {'height':'+=150px'}, 2000, 'linear') }, function() { $(this).animate( {'height':'-=150px'}, 2000, 'swing'); });});BUT this could happen in any book though when you have something that's updated in programming libraries. For the purposes of the book, use 1.7.1, but know that it's possible things might work differently in newer libraries.

A great book which will help you understand better web development with jQuery. Its a book for novice and intermediate developers. Don't stick to this you can learn a lot more about jQuery, but it's a great start to do so.

I picked this book up at er.... a bricks and mortar bookstore and found myself chuckling repeatedly as I sipped my coffee and read. I found the book both entertaining and useful. Great samples that can be downloaded to see the features in action. I needed some jQuery skills immediately (couldn't even wait for Prime to deliver) and so I plunked down my bucks and took this book home with me. I think the book is great - readable, informative. I'd give it six stars if I could. And no, I don't know the author, but given that he clearly has a sense of humor that matches mine, I wouldn't mind meeting him.

Very well written in easy to understand terms. When you finish this book you will be able to write and understand jQuery. Which will make your web pages more dynamic and exciting. From form checking and validation to the jQueryUI the author covers every thing you will need to spice up your web design.

I love this book. It's written very clearly and concisely. While it's easy to read as a reference book, but it's not for beginners. You need some knowledge of javascript to start with, also need to know basic things about CSS.

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