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Tea Cleanse: 7 Day Tea Cleanse Diet Plan: How To Choose Your Detox Tea's, Shed Up To 10 Pounds A Week, Boost Your Metabolism And Improve Health (Tea Detox, ... Body Cleanse, Detox Tea, Flat Belly Tea)

Use this proven step by step plan to lose weight and feel great in 7 days!If you are looking into this topic, then perhaps you are one of the millions that are continuously searching for answers as to how to lose the sluggish feeling that is dragging you down throughout the day.Are you hoping for a way to bring your body back to the healthy and comfortable shape that you once took for granted? This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to lose weight, boost your metabolism, flush your system of toxins, improve your overall health, and to choose the right teas that will assist in accomplishing them all. The goal of this book is to guide you to a new routine that will help transform you into the person you want to be through the natural remedies of detoxifying teas.What's included in this book...What are toxins and what you can do about themHow detoxing worksTypes of tea and how to prepare themHow boosting your metabolism through tea increases mental alertness and helps to lose flabAn easy to follow 7 day tea cleanse planTake action now to get this Kindle book for only $2.99!And why wait? You don't need a Kindle to read this book! With free delivery right to your device, you can open it on your PC, Tablet or Smartphone with the free Kindle app.Tags: Tea Cleanse, Tea Detox, Detox Tea, Weight Loss, Metabolism Boost, Diet, Detox Cleanse, Detox Plan

File Size: 210 KB

Print Length: 39 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: September 24, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #33,768 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #4 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Drinks & Beverages > Coffee & Tea #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > One hour (33-43 pages) > Cookbooks, Food & Wine #14 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Beverages & Wine > Coffee & Tea

This book on tea cleansing really reminded me of the frequent vegetable juicing cleansing that I do on occasion. I have to say that many of the information presented by the author in this book really surprised me. I never knew that there was so much utility to tea - such as how it can improve your overall health and cleanse your body of toxins. I really recommend this book to people looking to go on a cleansing diet. Rather than trying the usual fruit or vegetable cleansing, maybe trying something new like tea would produce positive results.

This book was very informative! I’ve been interested in cleansing now for years, and have tried many things. Some of the things outlined in this book, I have been trying for years (and they have been successfully working), so this is some great information. Others, I wasn’t so familiar with. I like to learn, and am always willing to get some more information for my arsenal. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to find out more about cleansing (especially through the use of teas – something I was less familiar with), and who wants specific things to do and the benefits of why you should do them. It’s a great book!

A cup of hot tea gives me a feeling of comfort and pleasure, especially in a long, cold day. I am quite aware of its benefits but with this book I was able to learn how drinking tea can help our bodies get rid of the toxins caused by unhealthy habits, food and even stress. The 7-day- tea-cleanse plan given in this book is very helpful. The plan was easy to follow and does not require too much preparation, once you get an approval from your practitioner and have teas available, you may start any day you want. And the best thing about this plan is that you can do it in as short as 7 days. If you are looking for a simple and natural way of detoxifying, I would recommend for you to read this book.

I am a tea lover coming living with a Dad who is British I learned at a very young age to drink and appreciate tea.So incorporating tea with detoxing for me is a genius! My Grandmother was always boiling some type of organic leaves for it medicinal values.I will definitely add this detox to my regime.

I really liked this book. Before reading this book I didn't know that Chamomile is a bed time tea - it makes one sleepy, so I should avoid it during work. There are several other really good tips that I didn't know before.Excellent book.

This book was a great read! I was looking for some more info on how to tea cleanse, and it really helped me to understand how to get started and detox. It covers lots of topics like where toxins come from, how to get rid of them, boosting metabolism, and tea recipes. Overall, I’d recommend reading this to anyone interested in tea cleansing.

I swear by the powerful health properties of teas. The cleanse diet sounds like it's worth trying. The teas mentioned are just a few of the many teas that all contribute to different ailments. Loved the info.

I appreciated the advice to drink chamomile tea earlier in the evening -- that's definitely more useful to get a good night's sleep than drinking it just before bedtime as I had been doing. Good to learn more about different kinds of tea and how they work with the body's natural rhythms!

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