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ABAP Objects: Introduction To Programming SAP Applications

The first book to comprehensively cover the new object-oriented generation of SAP's programming language ABAP. Officially-approved guide and reference to a core SAP topic

Hardcover: 576 pages

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; HAR/CDR edition (June 24, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0201750805

ISBN-13: 978-0201750805

Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 1.5 x 9.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (46 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,170,101 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #161 in Books > Computers & Technology > Hardware & DIY > Microprocessors & System Design > Computer Design #393 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Object-Oriented Software Design #522 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Data in the Enterprise > Client-Server Systems

I just got the book today, so I can't say if it's good or bad. What I can give you is a very serious warning. I have Windows Server 2003 with SQL Server installed in it. I ran the installation CD, and without even asking me, it started to put MS SQL Desktop Engine into my computer. After restarting the computer, my SQL Server is now corrupted!!! The warning reads "Your SQL Server installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with (unknown package id). Please uninstall then re-run setup to correct this problem."Shame on the programmers who developed the installation program of this CD! Why didn't you put a check to see if the computer already has SQL Server installed? Now my SQL Server is screwed! Shame, shame, shame!This book better be worth all the time I now have to spend restoring my SQL Server!

I dont have anything bad to say regarding this book. familiarity with Object oriented and programming paradims is certainly useful. This is not a learn in 21 days book. Set aside coupla months and enjoy the ride. The cool thing abt this book is the ability to tryout the abap programs.I DID HAVE PROBLEMS!!!1)installing the CDs. I am using Windows XP and had coupla glitches.1) you should add the ip address and computer name to the /etc/hosts file on your computer. It can be found in the system32 folder.2) You probably need to copy the contents of the Data CD(2) to hard disk (incase you dont have 2 CD drives. And specify the location of the data files during instalation.2) Problem creating Objects: I did have problems creating Objects..It was frustrating for a while. Then I figured out the solution after some online research.a) Try to apply the patch then comes with the CD.b) renaming my files to start with z_ solved the problem

This book seems to be well written and informative. If you are like me you like to learn by example and coding yourself. This is the method the authors suggest and I agree.They look as if they start with some basics. They also tell you up front that the book is not a book that is best suited for starting from the beginning and going to the end.The problem I have with the purchase of this book is the CDs. To me the CDs and the minisap basis system is what pushed me to buy this particular book. The CDs and the minisap system will load. It will not happen without a bunch of problems. The help for loading is very poor. It might would help if there were some actual pages at the end of the help links. Every reference I had to a URL ended up taking me to a link selling more books or no where. A site is supposed to be dedicated to the minisap system but I could not get to it.If you can get the CDs to load correctly(that is possible!) then you have a good useful book. If not it depends on how you learn. For me it is more difficult.

I've been an ABAP programmer in the Boston area since 1994. And, I consider myself to be a pretty fluent programer. However, I was not comfortable with the new Object Orientation the language was taking. This book, literally, walks you through the creation of ABAP reports and dialog transactions using the new OO paradigm. It explains the "wheres" and "whyfors" along the way so that you can really grasp the new concepts.I think it's fabulous.

Book seems to be all right at first!The software that comes along with the book, does not work with windows-xp if xp has all of the latest upgrades and patches from microsoft!?!!?.The so called "Object list" will not show!There are patches available for MiniSAP to cure this problem, but it is impossible to get the patches to minisap witout a licence, and you don't get a licence along with minisap!!!!????What a waste off money and time! I should have read these reviews before buying the useless book and software!Shame on the SAP comunity and on the authors of this book!!!.com should warn buy'ers with "up to date XP" on their computer!

This book is the best book about ABAP I've been reading so far.A well structured content and a simple approach to explain the new ABAP concepts are probably the best ways to describe the book. The CDs contain a complete SAP System which is a great way to get lot's of practise.

I'm relatively new to SAP, but have coded other languages (C++,Java,PHP,Perl...). Part of the problem with this book is that I don't like ABAP very much, but part is the dry, complicated explanations the book offers. I re-read a couple of paragraphs 4 or 5 times before they made sense. I think (hope) English isn't the author's first language. The combination of all this made it difficult to get through this.I tried installing installing the mini-basis system on a couple of systems and never got it running correctly (always bombed when I tried to read from database). It would have been nice, but I was able to apply the principles in the book to our dev system well enough.Griping aside, I was writing relatively productive code at work after a few chapters. So if you're persistent and have programmed before, this book can work.

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