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Washington Quarter Folder 1932-1947 (Official Whitman Coin Folder)

Washington Quarters Collectors Folder 1932-1947

Series: Official Whitman Coin Folder

Hardcover: 3 pages

Publisher: Whitman (March 15, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0307090183

ISBN-13: 978-0307090188

Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 0.3 x 7.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (30 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #31,371 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #8 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Antiques & Collectibles > Coins & Medals > State Quarters #19 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Antiques & Collectibles > Coins & Medals > Coin Folders #4228 in Books > Teens

I've been buying Whitman coin books since I was a kid...These books hold up very well over time! I even have a couple of Whitman [penny] coin books that my grandfather started over 35 years ago, and the books are still in one piece. As long as you're working on a hard, flat surface with nothing else under your coin book, then you'll never have to worry about ripping out or punching through the back of your book. Yes, most of the coin books out there have tight cutouts for the coins... Forget the sore thumbs; I use the plastic "butt end" of an `ultra fine point' Sharpie marker to push in my coins. This method also makes it possible for my kids to push the coins in to the holes.TIP: I just learned (after buying this book) that quarters from 1964 and prior were made out of 90% silver, and are nowadays VERY difficult to find in rolls from the bank. I just bought a box of quarters from the bank (which contains 2000 quarters), and I didn't find a single quarter predating 1965! So if you're just spending fun time sorting coins with the kids like I am, you'll probably never end up using the 1932-1947 or 1948-1964 quarter folders. So you might want to think about how seriously you're going to search for these "silver" quarters before you buy this book.

I bought the entire collection of these folders that is available at the moment. They all arrived within a day of each other, as expected. New users may think they seem small but they are a very compact and inexpensive way to keep your coins organized. A great tool for the beginner or the experienced coin collector. Be sure to lay the binder on a flat, hard surface like a desk or kitchen counter when entering your coins and you should have no problems.

The Washington quarter coin folder volume 2 (1948-1964 inclusive) by Whitman, is a superb way to collect and showcase your coins. By using the lock-in feature, the coins are kept in place to prevent coin loss. Each coin slot is designated with the year, mint mark (D,P,or S)and the mintage. I particularly like the mintage, since it lets me know just how many quarters were made in one year in relation to another. It's also nice to have a brief history lesson about the Washington quarter in order to give us some appreciation of its heritage.

The whitman coin folder represent a easy and practical form of preserve and organize the coin.I had many of this product for differents tipes of coint and normaly safe many times to check my coin collection.I recomend it.Note: my englis is no the best, sorry for that.

We love eveyone of these coins books just what we were looking for. We will be ordering more. Just can't beleive how fast yall got them to us. Thanks will enjoy !

the skin of the coin holder is like a leather paper mesh and fairly well made coins fit well in slots and don't fall out, keeping coins in good shape

Gives me and my family time to sit down and be together as a family while serching for coins to put away in your collection

Quality that is typical of Whitman collector books. Add this one to match the old Whitman books that you had as a kid!

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