Series: In a Nutshell
Paperback: 638 pages
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (June 2, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1491921765
ISBN-13: 978-1491921760
Product Dimensions: 7 x 1.2 x 9.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (11 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #208,684 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #29 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Circuits > Integrated #72 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Electronics > Microelectronics #79 in Books > Computers & Technology > Hardware & DIY > Microprocessors & System Design
I'm a seasoned (not old!) engineer with a few decades of software and electronics experience. I work as a pure software engineer these days, but still enjoy the world of electronic gizmos: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, and all those wonderful sensors and interfaces! So this review is from that perspective. Here are some random thoughts, in no particular order:This not a bad book. Rated 4 stars for "I like it". Although at times I admit I had considered returning it. I think the title is a bit misleading - but emphasize "in a Nutshell" and perhaps that justifies it. A better title would be: "A complete reference for the beginner". I have a hard time accepting the "for Technicians, Engineers" part. Perhaps I should simply encourage newbies on this book: don't be intimidated by the title!The book presents some relatively good ideas of "what's out there"... but sadly does not really go into the specifics that I'd expect a "for engineers" book to have. At times it reads like a detailed catalog. Not necessarily a bad thing, I suppose.What I was looking for: something all in one place so I don't have to keep scouring the internet for a technical detail. For that, this book is close, but seriously lacking in some places. For instance, I really would have liked to see more on SPI, ICSP, I2C, JTAG, etc. Yes, this is all on the internet. For instance the "AVR910: In-System Programming" pdf from Atmel covers ICSP quite well of course.There are a LOT of embedded links. We'll see in a few years how cool that might be, but for now - it works well for the most part. Ok, some of the Atmel links take you to the search page at Atmel (perhaps direct links broken already?).
this is an admirable effort, with as detailed coverage and introduction to the Arduino platform as any n00b could want... is it perfect? no, but the essentials are there... i look forward to updated editions of this book, and think this is the best book on the Arduino on the market (much of the base material is aimed at a younger audience, IMHO)you'll find many tables of data, diagrams, illustrations, and photos of Arduinos, sensors, and 'shields' (known as 'capes' for the Beaglebone crowd)... in fact, much of the introductory material seems a bit redundant when discussing the CPU architecture - but this is good info to know in order to make good decisions about your target controllersome of the holes i found in the book are those that nearly any book of this breadth would experience: there is so much material to cover that sometimes some of the basics slip past the author, editor, and reviewer - or essential tidbits that are scattered and hidden in paragraphs that escape indexing (good indexing is critical to a book of this sort, and the indexer is to be commended on this first published effort)i would have liked to be given some of the following up front and to be easily found:power requirements (voltage, amperage, etc.), such as 9V to 12V with at least 1A - for example, to contrast with another technical book, Derek Molloy's "Exploring Raspberry Pi," page 13, you'll find a full descriptive paragraph of detailed information on the power requirements for the various models - almost exhaustive, but essential in an early part of this type of book, especially for a newcomer...
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