Paperback: 612 pages
Publisher: Mike Murach & Associates (May 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1890774685
ISBN-13: 978-1890774684
Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 8 x 10.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (57 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #390,098 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #62 in Books > Computers & Technology > Databases & Big Data > MySQL #183 in Books > Computers & Technology > Databases & Big Data > SQL #1050 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Software Design, Testing & Engineering > Software Development
Murach's MySql takes you to the next level beyond its PHP and My Sql. In the PHP and MySql you get the most basic understanding of database design and operation, incorporating a database into a web application; it's a great introduction and very useful to the new web application developer. Murach's MySql prepares you for a deeper understanding of the database server as a tool. Let's step into the weeds a bit and look at what you get: 1.First of all you get a great introduction to relational databases. This intro explains the basics of all relational databases and then introduces the MySql Workbench, the primary tool you will use to manage MySql. The MySql Workbench performs the same functions as the Sql Server Management Studio and Tools for the Oracle Developer (TOAD) for those relational database servers respectively. 2.The book then takes you into the standard data manipulation language constructs found in standard ANSI-SQL 4. You will learn the basic Select, Insert, Update and Delete commands with the concurrent joins and subquery issues. You will also get an introduction to functions within Sql queries. 3.Murach's MySql then has you designing databases with tables, indexes, vies and stored procedures, transactions and locking, and triggers and event management. 4.Finally the text leads you to understand database management and the work of the Database administrator.What I like most about the textbook is the many exercises the learner gets to practice the wide range of database activities the average developer sees in the normal course of their work. I also like the two page detail/summary paradigm Murach uses in all their texts.
I teach a university Information Science course on databases and have been searching for a book that my students will find more approachable and suitable. Many of them have no programming or database experience before the class and come from liberal arts, so the typical Computer Science textbooks on databases are too theoretical, and in some areas too advanced for some of them.Since we mostly use MySQL for our database coursework, I think Murach's MySQL will fit the bill, but I will have to supplement it with other necessary material and point out the few misguided things in it.It's very well organized and well paced for a beginner to progressively learn all the major features of MySQL and SQL queries. It is very good about demonstrating the Workbench interface and sometimes the CLI. It shows exactly what the reader should expect to see from each command. Although it can be read sequentially, because it's so well organized it can also be used by a SQL novice as a reference book. It is somewhat like a "recipe book" as well in that the table of contents lists out most of the features of MySQL as things you might need to do, with at least one example in each section.I have not read the whole book yet, but the notable problems I've discovered so far are: * In Chapter 1 there are examples of both PHP and Java code that demonstrate connecting to and querying MySQL. Murach makes the grievous mistake in both of them to embed the MySQL ROOT account and password in the program code! This book is for beginners, so this kind of industry "worst practice" should never be given as a good example. The author doesn't even make any comment about why this should be replaced with a limited-access account in real usage.
Joel Murach's latest offering from Murach Press is murach's MySQL.The book is broken down into five sections, with Section 4 repeated twice in the TOC. The first two chapters offer an introduction to the database software and the MySQL Workbench. The next seven chapters go over all the essential SQL skills. For the most part, these skills are database system neutral. The author does includes information on the MySQL-specific details and functionality, but standard SQL dominates. The next three chapters are about database design, where each chapter includes a section on using MySQL Workbench. Apart from the MySQL Workbench content in each chapter, the material is for the most part database neutral. The next four chapters make up the first Section 4, which focuses on stored procedures. Lastly, the final 3 chapters cover database administration, security, as well as backup and restore.Enough for the quick overview of the book. Now its time to look a little more deeply into the book for ordinary developers. Unlike most SQL-related titles, this one covers query syntax first and worries about database creation later. That is a nice departure from the standard SQL related book flow, as creation causes its own set of issues for the less informed folks just getting started with SQL. It's much easier to understand querying from a database then creating it.The book content reads pretty easily and is structured quite well. Each concept is presented with a full explanation on the left side of the page where the syntax and a short description comes on the right. Given the space limitations of this that means each of the concepts are fairly brief, but that works well for the audience. The structure is typical of Murach books and is called paired-pages.
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