File Size: 369 KB
Print Length: 166 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: July 1, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #71,512 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Mechanical > Hydraulics #6 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Mechanical > Hydraulics #47 in Books > Computers & Technology > Internet & Social Media > Social Media
Well designed course. The reason why (the only reason why) I did not give 5 stars is that there are a lot of typos. Primarily, it is a matter of using caps in the first letter of a line (spelling checker fail?) when this is actually incorrect in Python. Here is a code snippet with some examples:# Chapter 17: Functions>>>Def hi():... Print(“ Hello there!”)>>>Hello()# This should produce the following output: Hello there!# This is Neil -# 1. Def should not be capitalized.# 2. Print should not be capitalized.# 3. The function is called "hi", not "Hello".# 4. For the 3 reasons above the code will not work at all.Really, what they needed was a good editor who will actually test the code samples. It is like a cookbook that did not test their recipes. Giving the writer / publisher the benefit of the doubt, it is possible that something in the conversion to eBook format created the caps. However, this should have been caught and this would not have solved the hi/Hello problem listed above. I have been writing code for 30+ years, so this did not confuse me. However, if I were a beginner, it might.Flawed code samples mar an otherwise perfect book. This is easy to fix, however, perhaps they want to come out with a second version of the book. I could do it in a weekend.
I felt as if there were a lot of errors in the book. After seeing the following error, I decided to post. There are a couple more that are located previously in the book, but I chose to ignore. Location 928 of 2824 (kindle) -> > > spam =” Hi there!”> > > spam[ len( eggs)-1]“!”eggs was never defined. Why is it not spam[len(spam-1)] ?Great book for the price (free). It will serve as an intro. But you're best off to read this as a supplement to your learning.--edit--eggs was defined pages after it was used as a variable....Poor editing for using a variable before introducing it.--edit 2--sorry but this is completely ridiculous, I have to downgrade my review from a 2 star to a 1 star. A few pages after I encountered the above error, I encountered this error:> > > eggs =” Hi there!”> > > eggs[: 6]‘Hi ther”I really feel as if this person put no effort into checking his code. eggs[:6] should return the values from the start of the string UP TO BUT NOT INCLUDING the value at the 6 location. Therefore the output should be, and is, "Hi the" - not "Hi ther"
When you hear the word "hacking", the first the comes in your mind is to go over someone else's system. But why would you grab this book if you have a bad motive? The author provides great concept of getting more secured. You have to know how to defend your system from possible attacks that would corrupt your system. Once again, don't grab this book if you want to attack someone but to defend your system from attackers.
I'm still reading but so far I enjoy this book and have written a few scripts. That's coming from someone who doesn't like to read books, so I guess it's pretty good. So far, everything has been explained in a way that's very easy to understand and progress.
Thanks Andrew Johansen for this beginners guide. This books includes the basic things of Python programming language. It covers variables, syntax, structure, class and object concepts. This will be an absolute beginers guide and not for experts. I found this will be a great book those who like to start learning python. Absolute beginners guide.
i really like to learn about programming because in the modern job market it has an amazing demand. as a freelancer i really interesting about this i have herd python is a dynamic programming language, which has become one of the most popular of its kind, with Perl, PHP, and ruby also contending for the roost.This is a great guide book to learn the basic of python programming.reading this book i realized that python is a unique and powerful language.i highly recommend this book anyone who interested in learning about programming.
This book is a great side piece to your learning, you can use this one for your learning but some of the language may confuse you as a beginner.Craig explains the code language well and breaks down it all into bite size chunks so even a newbie like myself can understand aspects of the python programming language.Compared to other programming languages python seems to be easier to grasp.
This book is a great side piece to your learning, you can use this one for your learning but some of the language may confuse you as a beginner.Craig explains the code language well and breaks down it all into bite size chunks so even a newbie like myself can understand aspects of the python programming language.Compared to other programming languages python seems to be easier to grasp.
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